Page 3 of Meet the Teacher

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I shake my head. “I know I eventually will, but honestly, for right now, do you think can we do something else instead? I think a distraction would be really nice to have tonight.”

Summer’s eyebrows raise as they always do when she’s processing or planning something. I can tell by the way her lips purse to her right cheek that she’s formulating a plan for the night. I can sense it as well. We aren’t twins, but I will say we share a lot of some sort of sister intuition, which comes in handy for when I’m indecisive. She somehow knows exactly what I want before I even know it myself.

Summer smiles. Not just any old smile though. The sparkle in her eyes indicates it’s her idea smile. She stands up and extends her hand. Before I take it, I raise my brow in suspicion.

“Come with me. You know I always have the best ideas. Don’t you trust that by now?” she asks with the cheesiest grin on her face.

“Fair enough,” I say as I grab her hand, allowing her to pull me off the swing. We head inside, walking past our parents watchingFamily Feudon TV, and head straight to her bedroom. She slams the door behind us and her eyes shift around the room like she’s on a mission to find something. She rummages through her desk drawer, pulls something out, and exclaims, “Aha! This is perfect.”

A notebook?“Do you really think I want to journal right now? Cause let’s be real, you and I both know I’ll be doing that later anyway.”

“No, silly. There you go again worrying for nothing,” she says.

“OK. Fine. So, what’s with the journal then?” I ask.

She grabs a pen from the coffee cup full of them on her desk. The one she chooses has a little yellow pom-pom on the top. “Get ready! We’re going to make a YOLO list!”

“A what now?” I ask.

“Ugh.” Summer rolls her eyes. “Do you even know who Drake is?”

“Well, of course I know who Drake is. But what is YOLO?”

Summer releases a sigh before she responds. “Sometimes I swear you live under a rock. I didn’t think I’d have to explain it to you, but it’s from Drake’s newest song. YOLO—You Only Live Once. You really haven’t heard the song yet?”

I grit my teeth and shrug. “Nope, sorry.”

Summer waves me off with her hand. “Whatever, it’s fine. Anyway, my plan is we make our own You-Only-Live-Once list.” She pushes the pom-pom of the pen against her chin. “Wait, maybe it should be our WOLO list, short for We Only Live Once. That way we can create it together. What do ya think?”

Summer was right. This plan is distracting me. I haven’t really thought much about Zayn since she’s mentioned Drake and creating this weird YOLO—I mean, WOLO—list.

My lips form a slight smile. “Okay, fine. I’ll admit I actually love it. Let’s do it.”

“Yes!” she exclaims. “I totally knew you would be down. But here’s the thing. We have to do everything on the list before we’re a bunch of old grannies with tons of regrets. Deal?” She pauses and adds, “I mean it, Autumn. You have to promise that you’ll actually do this list with me.”

Summer knows me so well. I’m hesitant to make that promise since we haven’t even made the list yet.

“Okay, okay . . . but under one condition,” I say.

She smirks. “Fine, what’s the condition?”

“I’m willing to do whatever is on the list, but we have to both agree on it before you write it down. I want to feel like we’re making a plan.”

Her smile fades for a brief second before she nods in agreement.

Summer holds out her pinky for me. “Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise.”

“Alright then, it’s settled. Let’s get started.”

Summer opens the notebook to a blank page. She writes at the top:

Summer & Autumn’s WOLO List


Is it burned out or burnt out?I should know this. After all, I am a teacher. Ugh, I hate when people say shit like that, and here I am saying it. Well, whichever is correct—I’ve reached it.
