Page 52 of Meet the Teacher

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“Autumn, are you doing okay?”

I’m brought back to reality. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was just thinking about what Summer would say. I’m ready. It’s now or never, right?”

Zayn nods in agreement before asking, “Want me to jump with you or do you want to do this on your own?”

I look around to see how everyone is starting to jump in. “Umm . . .” Before I can further debate this question, Mason and Natalie start running together.

“Cannonball!” Mason shouts as he tucks his legs against his chest mid-air. In contrast, Natalie spins through the air like a ballerina as the two of them completely disappear over the cliff.

I run over to see if they’ve made it safely. I search for them in the water to find nothing, but then a few seconds later, I hear Mason yell, “Yeah, bitch! We did it!” The two of them high-five each other in the water.

“Come on, Autumn. You can do it! We’re here waiting,” Natalie shouts up to me.

I make my way back over to Zayn. “Okay, let’s do it together.”

“Alright, whatever you need,” he tells me.

He grabs ahold of my hand, and we walk slowly up to the edge.

“Count of three?”

I grit my teeth. “Sure.”

“Autumn, don’t forget . . . Summer is with you and so am I. It’s gonna be okay,” he says as a final reassurance, which I didn’t know I needed until he said it.

“Thank you.”

“One, two, threeeeee—”

I close my eyes and leap into the air. I keep them closed all the way down, too afraid to see what’s beneath us. Losing my grip of Zayn’s hand, I begin to flail my arms in the air, trying to summon my inner bird. Just as I’m about to hit the water, I plug my nose and my feet hit first. The cold temperature sends a shock through my system. Within a couple seconds, I’m completely submerged and thrashing beneath the water. I hold my breath but force my eyes open underneath the water to see how far I am from the surface. It looks to be roughly ten feet. I quicky close my eyes and focus on large strokes to reach it.

When I finally do, I find myself searching for Zayn as I gasp for air. “Zayn?” I shout breathlessly.

“Hey,” he calls out. “Behind you.”

I swim towards his direction, trying to avoid the surrounding tourists. As soon as we’re close enough, I pull myself up onto him and kiss him. He takes my legs and wraps them around his under the water.

“What was that for?” he asks.

“For helping me be brave. Again.”

He looks down from my lips. “Autumn, don’t freak out, okay?”

“Oh my God, what is it? Is there a bug on me?” I press my hand against my chest and back away frantically. Looking down, I notice my top is missing.

My eyes widen and I slowly look up at Zayn. “What the hell? Am I topless right now?”

“Uh, yeah,” he says. “It must’ve come off when you hit the water.”

“This cannot be happening right now.” I start freaking out and swimming around in search of it. “What if I don’t find it?”

Zayn shrugs. “I don’t know. No, it’s fine. We’re gonna find it. Let’s swim over to Natalie and Mason. Maybe they can help us look.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I let out a tiny scream. “I’m glad the water is dark because at least no one can see me topless, but I can’t see shit.”

“Yeah, it’s gonna be difficult. How about you stay here for a moment, and I’ll swim over there to look.”

“Okay,” I agree. “Hurry, please!”

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