Page 7 of Meet the Teacher

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Am I regretting this move? Or regretting going back to teaching? Regretting . . . everything?

Joe clears his throat to interrupt my thinking. He’s still waiting for me to take a sip, so I finally do. The taste is sweet, but not unbearably so. I only know there is alcohol in it by the warmth that fills my throat. “Oh my God, Joe, that’s truly one of the best things I’ve tasted in years. I gotta know what’s in it,” I say, genuinely curious since I’ve never tasted anything even close to how delicious this drink is.

“Nah, bartenders’ word to not share secret recipes. But I do gotta ask, any regrets?” He pauses for a minute before adding on to his question “Err—with the drink?”

“No, sir. You’ve truly outdone yourself and managed to surprise me. I appreciate it.”

“How’d my man Joe surprise you?” A familiar voice chimes in. I look at the stool next to me and find Kayla, an old friend of mine who I haven’t seen in years.

Kayla takes a seat next to me. “Hey girl hey,” she says in her sweet-but-sassy voice. She offers me a side hug.

“Hey hey,” I say. “Good to see you, girl. How have you been?”

She waves her hand. “Oh, I’m doing just fine. I’m so sorry about Summer.”

“Thank you,” I say, getting numb from the number of condolences I’ve received in the past couple of days.

“So, how long you in town for?”

“Umm, well about that. I’m moving back.”

“Ahh, I’m so excited to hear this! I’ve missed you so much over the past few years. Lake View just ain’t the same without ya, girl.”

My phone vibrates the chair. “Oh, wait, I think Mason and Natalie are texting me,” I tell Kayla.

“Ooh, tell them to come! I haven’t seen them in a few months, believe it or not,” she replies.

I unlock my phone with the scan of my face and swipe open my messages app.


Girl, I don’t think I can make it after all. You and Mace have fun!


Autumn, I can’t make it out tonight. Still at school. FML.

I glance back at Kayla with a sigh. “Well, Mason and Nat can’t make it out tonight after all.”

“Oh babe, what a bummer,” Kayla offers. She waves her hand in front of her playfully. “Don’t worry, though. You got me tonight.”

I smile, feeling comfort that I at least have one friend here. The bar door swings open, and a warmth takes over my body as I awkwardly stare at the man who enters. Zayn. I place my focus back on Kayla before he notices me too.Really?Twice in one day?I ask myself.

“Oh boy,” Kayla says.

I blink. “What?”

“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Don’t ya remember how small this town is?”

I laugh. “Oh, trust me, I’m remembering very quickly.”

Kayla giggles just as Joe asks her what she’d like to drink. She points to mine, “Um, I think I want one of those. Looks delish.”

“You got it, Kayla. You won’t regret it—get it?” he jokes.

Kayla rolls her eyes at him. Their banter makes me realize it’s not all bad being back home.

Joe clears his throat and points to my near-empty glass. “Want another?”
