Page 16 of The Alpha's Regret

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We both go to speak at the same time. I laugh nervously, and a kind smile plays on his full lips at the awkwardness of the moment. He waits for me to speak, but I gesture for him to go ahead.

“I want to apologise for what I did, or nearly did, last night.”

Well, that’s not what I thought he was going to say. I was expecting him to launch straight into convincing me he’s my mate and grilling me about the reasons for my denial.

“There is no good reason for me not to ask you first whether you wanted to be marked. I got caught up in the moment and thought you were on the same page, but I’m not a pup and I should know better than to assume anything.”

I’m stunned into silence. So, he's not seething with anger and nursing a wounded ego?

“I don’t know what your reasons are for denying the bond, or not feeling it, as you say. But to be honest, unless you want to tell me, it doesn’t matter. All I know is that I feel it. My wolf feels it.”

Now I’m completely gobsmacked. Where is the pushy, demanding behaviour I expected from an Alpha wolf who’s not getting his way? I can tell you with absolute certainty, this is not how my brother would react.

“And that’s it? I deny the bond and you’re just going to accept that and move on?”

That’s not what I want. I don’t want him to mark me, not right now anyway, but I’m gripped by near panic at the thought of him giving up so easily. My heart pounds as the idea of him breaking a bond I don’t even know exists fills me with fear. If he is my mate, and what a fine one he’d be, he could reject me and move on. Inside, my body is screaming at me not to let that happen, but I try to remain composed.

His eyes narrow and I let out a shaky breath when he pushes to his feet and approaches slowly. Closing my eyes as he eases into my personal space, I force my tight lungs to drag in some air as he runs the back of one knuckle gently down my cheek and along my jaw. My core clenches as desire fires through my veins at that simple touch and my legs turn to jelly.

I sense him lean in closer as I continue to screw my eyes shut, savouring his light touch and his powerful presence. His warm breath tickles my neck as his lips hover beside my ear. The air surrounding us feels thick with sexual tension.

“Not even close, Maya. Last night was incredible. You can’t deny that. The connection that we have is electric.” My name on his lips sounds sinful and my panties are soaked in a heartbeat. “I still plan on making you mine. Make no mistake. I’ll just have to prove to you we’re perfect together, without the bond.”

Biting my lip, I hold back a whimper. My eyes fly open at his cocky words and meet his heated gaze. My heart is beating so loudly that I can hear my pulse in my ears. I clench my thighs to stop the scent of my arousal from flooding the room, but it’s far too late for that.

“You sound so sure of yourself.”

I was aiming for strong and unaffected, but my voice comes out in a breathless whisper, betraying my reaction at being this close to him. His confidence isn't helping either. There's something sexy about a man who isn't afraid to go after what he wants.

“I am. Because I know we’re perfect for each other. And I can wait until you’re as certain as I am.”

Something inside me melts at his sweet words. He’ll wait for me to be sure. I don’t have to rush into any life-changing decisions. When he moves back a few inches, giving me back my personal space, I don’t want it. I feel bereft, and I long to grab him by the front of his shirt and drag him to me. I want to rub myself against his firm body like a cat.

But that might count as giving him mixed signals after my display last night.

“One thing, though, make no mistake Maya, the second you come with my cock buried deep inside your tight little cunt, and you will,you’re mine. There will be no going back.”

Holy shit. Despite my best efforts, a moan passes from my lips as my brain floods with images from last night. I can picture him standing above me, his magnificent body on full display as he notches his impressive length at my entrance. My needy pussy clenches around nothing, longing to be back there with Nathan, ready to fill me up. I ache for it and there’s no hiding my desire from him anymore as his nostrils flare. The scent of my overwhelming attraction to him fills the Alpha's office and I blush.

"Maya." His groan is like a prayer and his hips tilt forward, so close to my own that I need to fight the urge to throw a leg around his thigh and pull him against me. I've never felt so turned on and just from a few dirty words.

He presses his forehead to mine, but otherwise doesn’t touch me, dragging in a deep breath. A low growl rumbles deep in my chest.

“This is why we can’t work together,” I blurt out. "This is too much. I need to get to know you."

If he's genuine about taking things slowly, being this close to him every day would be torture. There’s no way I could work out whether this is really the bond or merely sexual attraction if I’m walking around in a lust-induced haze all day. I’ll get nothing done.

“This is exactly why we should,” he says with a cocky smile before straightening to his full height and stepping away from my trembling body with an admiring glance. Whether it's me, or the effect he's had on me, that has him looking so pleased with himself, I'm not sure.

“Anyway, Hayley is on maternity leave earlier than we expected, so she won’t be here for you to assist. And I’m sure you’d prefer to be doing something rather than just returning home?”

He throws it out like a dare and the stubborn streak in me can’t resist. I won’t be slinking back to my brother, admitting I didn’t take the role they asked of me because I had a crush on Nathan. I can be professional at work, and we’ll figure out this other stuff between us in a few weeks’ time when Hayley is back and I’m helping her instead.

“Fine. But no funny stuff.”

Nathan holds up his hands before pressing them to his heart in mock offense, as if he didn’t just try to make me swallow my tongue with his filthy words. With a wink, he walks backward to the door, opening it with one hand before slipping out with a cheeky wink.

“I wouldn’t dare.”
