Page 5 of Cruelest Vow

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Rage remained just below the surface, my bloodlust prominent and dangerous, but not for the woman who’d haunted my dreams every night for fifteen years. I wanted to beat the man to death, breaking every bone in his body. And I normally would, but it was too risky given the location of her fashionable apartment. However, the fucker wasn’t going to get away with derailing my plans.

The would-be stalker would soon learn my wrath was lethal.

My lovely Lucia had retreated into her apartment, bidding her friend a good night, completely unaware every move she made was being watched, the assassin lying in wait for the perfect time. Her lilting voice was driven a stake into my heart, the way she’d tossed her hair over her shoulder enticing not just the man inside of me but the beast as well.

The unknown assailant moved into an alcove, his presence instantly hidden from the street. Then he tilted his head as a single light was turned on inside her hallowed space. I waited patiently, although I wasn’t known for being able to control my urges. Fifteen minutes after darkness had enveloped the space where she lived, he slipped from his hiding place, heading to the back door leading into the complex.

I moved closer, careful of my steps.

He thought he’d remain undetected, easily able to gain access to her apartment without being seen.

The bastard was wrong.

Once the assailant was in position, attempting to pick the lock, I advanced. The worthless piece of human flesh had no time to react before I drew the sharp blade of my knife across his throat.

“Muori, figlio di puttana,” I snarled. Die, you motherfucker.

His gurgling sounds only registered for a few seconds before the crescent moon allowed me to see the vacancy in his eyes. I’d saved her life under the guise of needing the information Franco had sent me to retrieve, the act of vengeance that I was required to handle.

There was no denying I’d wanted blood to rain in the streets. Every plan I’d made, the anger had burned deep within my mind, stripping away what had been left of my charred soul. That’s all I’d thought about during days and nights of my tortured survival. Suddenly, everything was different, the longing for revenge shifting.

The reality of my dark needs had become something else entirely, a longing burning deep pits into what was left of my blackened soul.

My life meant nothing without Lucia.

Yes, she would bend to my needs, punished for what she’d done to me, but I would not lose her again.

My thoughts were ironic, my actions without hesitation. From the first moment I’d laid eyes on her two days before, everything had changed.

After wiping the knife on his jacket, I quickly checked the assailant’s pockets, finding nothing but another magazine of ammunition. I chucked it and the weapon he carried into my pocket before hoisting him from the ground.

While the man was large, I was easily able to throw him over my shoulder, tossing his body in the alley dumpster. I was all sinew and muscle, honed from years spent in the gym. As I glanced up at the floor of the building where she lived, my jaw clenched, I was fully aware this was the perfect opportunity to comply with Franco’s orders.

Yet my hunger for her was too great, the need for even a single taste intoxicating. It would be a shame to waste something so precious. Exhaling, I studied the darkened alley, calculating the risk of lingering. Then I made my determination.

The order given would be handled my way.

Within seconds, I’d secured entrance to the building, finding the stairs without issue. As I headed to her floor, the intense, electric sensations coursing through me radiated enough heat throughout my body that breathing was difficult.

Once just outside her door, I took several deep breaths. I’d waited far too long for this moment not to hold reverence in my heart.

Even if I was a soulless man.

The lovely woman was no fool, the triple locks preventing the majority of criminals from being able to enter. Her security system was topnotch, worth the money she’d spent. The apartment was almost impenetrable, but I’d already secured entrance, finding her weaknesses without difficulty. Even the code on her system was familiar, the name I’d called her a long time ago when my life had been worth living.


Every muscle ached as I entered her apartment, being careful to ease the door shut with a soft click. Lucia had been trained well, the number of weapons inside the spectacular space rivaling the collection I’d brought with me. Her father had obviously insisted she keep protection with her at all times in case monsters struck in the middle of the night. But her father, the worthless bastard he was, couldn’t have imagined the kind of beast who’d easily gain entrance.

I paused, seeing the flameless candle positioned on a table near the corner. I’d seen it before while surveying her apartment, paying little attention. While there were almost a dozen others just like it throughout her home, this was the only one that remained lit all hours of the day and night. Perhaps it was on a forgotten timer.

The unexpected ache in my heart wasn’t welcomed but was not unexpected. Something drew me to the light, the subtle flicker in the fake flame keeping my attention. The warm glow was inviting, as if she was providing an open invitation to all those needing a safe harbor. Reaching out, I fisted my hand twice before lifting the candle into the air, looking underneath. The setting had been placed in the on position.

Huffing, I returned it to the exact place in the center of the table, backing away. How many times had she told me she’d light a candle for me? In her words, providing hope for a better future. Another moment of anger shut down the pleasant moment. The plastic piece of shit meant nothing to me.

Just like I meant nothing to her.

I brought my fist to my forehead, controlling my breathing.
