Page 66 of Cruelest Vow

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“I did enjoy the kills.”

“Did you really?”

Exhaling, he twirled his glass on his leg. “Enough to know I’ll do it again.”

“That’s your job, one that was forced onto you. What happened to the boy who wanted to become a famous musician?”

“Long gone.”

“I don’t believe it. The music in your apartment was an indication.”

“Don’t read into my selection. The truth is I wanted to see if you remembered.”

“Or if I had any remorse?”

The sadness returned to his expression, but I also witnessed love in his eyes. “Perhaps. I don’t know what I was thinking in believing you were responsible. You were a child, so innocent and loving. You just happened to be born into a psychotic family.”

“Yes.” My thoughts drifted briefly to Enzo. “I didn’t know Franco and his wife had any children.”

“They had two boys, but they came much later. I’d heard they couldn’t have children, Franco infertile.”

“Maybe that adds credence to the reason you were adopted.”

“It’s a good possibility. He needed an heir, someone who could keep his empire thriving after he stepped down from the position. In me, he found someone he could control based on hatred. Now I know he was using me, building a killing machine, but more than that, he was preparing me to annihilate his enemies. The arrival of his two sons was somewhat of a shock. Even I knew it at the time. Years later, he accused his wife of having affairs, killing her in front of her own children.”

I thought about what he was saying. “Children that aren’t his.”

“Likely not.”

“Jesus. He wanted you to kill my family, using the fire as ammunition.”


“Who ambushed you before?”

He laughed again, his fingers wrapped so tightly around the glass I was certain it would shatter into a dozen pieces. “It would appear my brother. Mattia considers me a threat. Up until recently, he was certain he’d take the throne.”

“But Franco won’t allow that to happen. This is crazy.”

“The lust for money and power changes people.”

I knew that to be true. “You mentioned marriage. Were you serious?”

He shifted on the couch, taking my hand into his. “It’s the only way to break the vicious cycle. It will also allow me to keep you safe. You’ll be protected by my men.”

“You have people you can trust?” Was there anyone within either one of our organizations that could be trusted completely?

“I believe I do.”

“What about Giuseppe Romano and his son? They aren’t going to step aside even if we hold a marriage certificate.”

“Fuck them. They will be erased from this earth.” His anger was explosive, but he had every reason to seek retaliation.

“What are you going to do?”

He rubbed his knuckle under my chin, and there was no doubt he was already rock hard and hungry, his thick cock tenting the blanket. “First, I find out why my family was murdered. Then I’m going to take the throne of the DeLuca Empire. After that, I’m going to destroy everyone who sabotaged our lives. You were always meant to be mine. Marry me, Lucia. I’ll give you everything you’ve always wanted including a kingdom.”

I didn’t want a kingdom and I doubt he did either, but we were both wise enough to know without controlling a powerful mafia empire, we’d be hunted and killed. The thought was terrifying.
