Page 48 of Filthy Husband

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“Stay in here and barricade the door,” I demand, pointing to a bookshelf. “Do you need help pulling that down?”

“What’s going on?!”

I don’t have time to explain. I grab the bookshelf and tear it down, letting it topple over onto the floor and spill its books across the rug. She’ll be able to push it in front of the door once I’ve left.

“Danya! What the fuck is going on?!” she yells, pulling her hair and looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“We’re under attack. Just stay here and I’ll deal with it,” I growl, moving back toward the door.

“Wait!” She runs over to me, planting a kiss on my cheek. “Be careful.”

I give her a smile to reassure her, but then I’m out in the hallway again, sprinting toward the closet near the entrance. I have a gun rack there with enough firepower to take down an entire army if need be. I doubt this attack will warrant it, but I’m always prepared for the worst.

My gun of choice is a semi-automatic rifle with a short-range scope. It’s good up-close as well as at a moderate distance, but I should only need it to shoot across the yard. I’m not letting those bastards make it to the front door.

I sling an armored vest over my torso and rush out the door, blinking in the late morning sun as I get my bearings. In the distance, a car roars through the open lawn, tearing up grass and drawing attention to itself.

This will prove deadly for them.

I can already hear guards running to get into position, but I beat them to the punch as I fire the first shot. As soon as I do so, a dozen others open fire into the vehicle, peppering the front and sides with enough bullets to turn a dozen cows into ground beef.

Blood explodes inside as whoever was driving is ripped apart from every angle. There was never any possibility that they would reach the house, but even I’m amazed at how fast they were stopped once they got through the front gate.

Smoke rises from the vehicle as it quickly comes to a stop on shredded, misshapen tires. Part of me expects it to catch fire, but I’m not going to stand out here waiting for that to happen. Where there’s one, there can be more, and I need to get Taylor to safety before I go digging into who’s behind this.

Though I feel like I already know. Who else would be insane enough to attempt a direct attack on my house other than that rogue terrorist group, The Red Council, who was denied their monthly supply of uranium?

I turn back toward the house, but then I spot a couple of my guards attempting to approach the attacker’s car.

Bad move. That hunk of metal could be rigged to explode.

“Get away from that!” I shout across the lawn, waving my gun in the air. “Get the bomb squad on it.”

Realizing their mistake, my guards quickly put distance between themselves and the suspicious vehicle. They’re smart enough not to want risk getting blown into a pink mist and becoming fertilizer.

Clutching my rifle tightly, I sprint down the hallway back to Taylor, already regretting that I asked her to barricade herself inside the library. I’m going to have to break down another door, and my shoulder is still sore from the first one.

Thankfully, Taylor hasn’t managed to seal the door off yet, and I’m able to get in and grab her quickly. As I tug her out of the library, she fights against me, demanding to know what’s happening.

“We’re going back to Antarctica. It’s the only place you’ll be safe,” I say as I drag her down the hall.

“But why?!” she asks, trying to free herself from my grip.

“Blame it on James. He’s the one who got the fucking terrorists involved in the first place. I think these guys are from The Red Council, a local group. They’re pissed off at me now, and they tried to attack the house.”

“So, we fight back,” she says, pointing at my gun. “You know how to shoot that thing, right?”

“I just did,” I reply, stopping for a moment to pull out my phone.

I let her go, and she scoots up against the wall defensively. “Why are we leaving? I don’t want to leave.”

I hold my hand up to stop her from speaking, and to my surprise, she actually falls silent. That’s a first.

My phone connects to my driver, who I assume is on alert since hearing the gunshots in the front yard. That must’ve gotten everyone’s attention.

“Emanual,” I bark into the receiver. “Pull around front, and make sure you avoid the car in the yard. It’s an explosion hazard. I need you to take Taylor and me to the submarine.”

“I’m on my way,” Emanual replies dutifully.

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