Page 18 of Bratva Baby

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“What do you mean? I was exactly where I said I was going to be. I even waited a full half-hour after the timeyourequested. What the hell was I supposed to do?” I ask, trying to take charge of the situation before it blows up in my face.

I hear Johan sigh heavily in a way that sounds more like a growl than anything. Even as the leader of a powerful Bratva, I’m not in the business of pissing off someone like Johan. It’ll do more harm than good.

“What exactly are you saying, Ruslan? I suggest you come clean about whatever it is you’re implying before I have to cave your fucking face in,” he continues. “It would be very,veryunwise of you to accuse me of something.”

I haven’t even confronted him about the shooting and he’s already threatening to kill me over it.

I suppose I should have known that someone as elusive and unknowable as Johan would be a loose cannon when faced with allegations. Even still, I’m shocked at how quickly he’s willing to double down.

It’s not a good look for him, but I’ll have to take this slow in order to keep it from backfiring. I’d hate to return home with a charred, headless corpse on my doorstep.

“Johan, listen to me. I just need a reason why you didn’t show up when you said you would. That’s all,” I continue cautiously. “I’m a reasonable guy. If something came up, we can work it out.”

I can hear his breathing growing labored with anger on the other line. “I don’t think you understand how this sort of thing works, Ruslan. I’m the one who extended the invitation to you. I can change the terms whenever I need to.”

It takes every fiber of restraint for me to keep from shouting at him. He might be a mastermind of the underground business world, but his practices are going to get him killed if he fucks with the wrong person.

If he keeps this shit up,Imight end up being the wrong person.

“I just need to know where you went. Maybe there was a misunderstanding,” I suggest.

He laughs, sending the rest of my confidence down the drain. “You’re a fucking idiot. I showed up right when I said I was going to and you were nowhere to be found. Maybe you’re the one who started shooting first. Wouldn’t that be ironic?”

His accusation makes my blood boil, even though I know he’s just throwing my own words back in my face. I’d be willing to see him again if we could find a more discreet location, but I doubt he wants anything to do with me at this point.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he asks. “Or are you just going to sit there and seethe after I suggested that you’re the shooter? You’re a hypocrite and a dumb one, Ruslan,” he continues before hanging up the phone.

I have no doubt that he’ll run his phone over with his car before I have a chance to call him back and plead my case. It’s not like he’d listen to me anyway. Whatever caused this miscommunication between us has made his mind up for him.

“Well, thanks for nothing. I just lost one of the best potential business deals in my life because of you,” I growl, slamming the phone back onto the pile of boxes.

Vera doesn’t try to approach me, but I can just barely see a glimpse of disgust on her face.

“So, are you accusing me of being a part of the group that terrorized the fair, or did I distract you from them by making my friends hate me enough to lose me? Make up your fucking mind,” she spits. “You don’t get to blame both of those things on me.”

She’s right, though I’d hate to admit it out loud, and certainly never to her face.

“There’s still someone else I can call. Don’t try anything,” I warn.

She rolls her eyes at me, staring up at the ceiling as though to pray that it will collapse on us both. “I would have tried to run before if I were planning to in the first place. Just make your damn phone call.”

I have to admit I’d rather keep a hostage with a bad attitude than someone who chooses to beg and plead for their life. The way people fall apart in their last moments is so undignified. At least she has that going for her.

I pick my phone back up, checking to make sure I haven’t cracked the screen in my anger.

Luckily, it’s still in one piece, so I dial my brother’s phone number.

My brother is the most reliable person I know, especially during a crisis. He’s the only person I’d trust to help without asking any questions. He’s gotten my ass out of enough situations by now that I doubt that a stray woman would pose any issues.

Vera stares at me cautiously as the continuous ringing fills the air around us. The whole situation is eerie when I think about it too hard, so I block it out and focus on the task at hand.

Any hope of being bailed out of this situation is lost when I finally reach Misha’s voicemail.

“Voicemail? At a time like this? Fucking prick,” I growl, tempted to hurl my phone into the floor as my temper takes over again.

I bet he’s probably drunk beyond oblivion right now, sprawled across the couch with a half-empty bottle of vodka at his side.

Even still, he knew I had an important meeting today, so I expected him to at least be available in case I needed backup.

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