Page 37 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“No. I don’t want to not see you either because we can’t figure this out. And I don’t want to do it for a long period of time. As much as I like to play with my aunt, I’m not letting it control my life.”

He was happy to hear that at least.

“So we give it a few weeks until we see what happens. Do you have plans on New Year’s Eve?”

“Nope,” she said. “Do you? Do you have to work?”

“No to both,” he said.

“Well,” she said. “We could make plans. How about back here for dinner and watch the ball drop?”

“You mean your family doesn’t have some big party or get-together you will be forced to go to?”

“No,” she said. “Brody, Aiden, Nic, Margo and Liam will be working. The kids get split up though. I think my aunt will take Anthony who is three and Joseph who is one. Those are Aiden’s kids. Aimee just had her second son in October so she isn’t back to work yet and will be home with her three kids. Mason and Jessica just had a baby last month, so they won’t be out doing anything. If Cade or Ella has plans, my aunt could end up with those kids too. She can handle it. Then the next day she just has a dinner for anyone that stops over, but nothing more. We are all partied out by then. Liam and Margo will want to relax since they’ve got to work anyway, so my mother won’t do anything.”

He wondered if that was her way of saying he could stay the night or not. He supposed it was too soon to ask or even assume.

“That is good then,” he said. “You tell me what you want to do and I’ll be there. Or here. I could invite you to my place, but we don’t want to leave Fred alone and I can’t have pets at my place. It’s not like I can sneak him in in a bag or anything.”

She laughed. “There isn’t much sneaking of Fred anywhere,” she said.

“Well then,” he said. “You make the plans and tell me what to bring.”

“Guess I won’t see you then until Saturday?” she asked. “Is that what you’re saying?”

He was surprised she wanted to see him before that. “We both have to work this week, right?”

“I do,” she said. “I’ll be busy I’m sure. After holiday gatherings are when there is a lot of sickness. Who knows what I’ll be testing in the labs.”

He tried not to cringe over that statement. “People off of work and parties tend to cause mischief too.”

“Then we can play it by ear. Let’s pick a day for you to come to dinner and if it doesn’t work, no hard feelings. We’ll have backup days.”

Sawyer wasn’t going to find this funny or controlling. He was going to be happy that someone knew about his life and past and still wanted to spend time with him.


All New To Her

The following Saturday, Faith was looking at her apartment and trying to see if there was anything she needed to clean up. She wasn’t sure why, as Sawyer had been over for dinner just a few days ago.

They’d planned on Thursday and it worked out well. He was late and she didn’t mind. He’d actually texted her he was running late and asked if they should reschedule, but since she was held up at work, she was thinkingshe’dhave to cancel.

They had their little laugh over it and he picked up pizza on his way to her house.

In the past she’d wanted nothing to do with that. She didn’t go on dates during the week because she knew she could be held up at work. She didn’t punch a clock and she wasn’t leaving when it was time if there were doctors waiting for results she was performing. Not unless someone else was there to do it for her.

Could be why she was so understanding of it all with Sawyer’s job.

“Remember,” she said to Fred, “he’s not yours. He’s mine.”

She put her hand in front of her mouth. Oh my God. She’d never thought of a man that way before. How the heck had that happened?

No, she wasn’t going to focus on that. She couldn’t.

One day at a time. Because if she did, then she’d think her aunt did know what she was talking about and she refused to acknowledge that even though all her cousins were proving it otherwise.

At four, there was a knock at the door. She was cooking and they were going to just watch some movies and hang out.
