Page 57 of Fierce: Sawyer

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Jolene let out a sigh. Guess she was wrong to think otherwise. “Chicken strips.”

“Fred does like them,” Connor said. “So tell me, what is it you’ve got planned for my daughter? We know you’ve got a name.”

“Did Faith tell you that?” Maybe her niece was interested.

“All she said was that Gavin mentioned a name and she walked away. She said Sawyer. The only Sawyer I know is your neighbor’s grandson. Is that who you are thinking? Isn’t he a cop or something?” Connor asked.

“It is him,” she said. “And he’s a detective. Nice young man. His grandparents are sweethearts. You know they were there for me early on when the kids were young.”

“They were,” Lynn said. “But what do you know about this man?”

“I know he’s got a great job. He’s like his grandfather with a thick moral code. Nothing like his mother. Don’t worry there.”

She’d told her family about Sawyer’s parents at one point, she was sure. Not to gossip but to just say how sad it was. Everyone should have a love like she had in her life or like the ones she was trying to find for the next generation.

“That’s good to know,” Lynn said. “But if Gavin is saying he’s not good.”

“My husband doesn’t know it all,” she said. “Besides, maybe we are trying something different with Faith.”

“Do you think she is going to fall for that?” Connor asked. “My daughter is smart. She’s watched you with everyone else and knows your tricks. You have to be smarter than that to get her.”

Jolene frowned. “It’s not easy trying to figure out how to get them in the same place. Got any ideas? You want her settled down as much as I do. Just think, if she was, that is one more person you could nag for grandchildren.”

“No one nags like you,” Lynn said, smiling.

“That’s right. It’s years of practice. Which means I’m going to get your daughter all set up too.”

“Or Gavin will,” Connor said. “Like he did with Ella.”

“Don’t be a wiseass,” she said.

“I thought as long as the end results were what you wanted, it was fine?” Lynn asked.

Her sister-in-law wasn’t wrong. Maybe she could let her family in on what Gavin’s plan was. “You’re right. Gavin is trying to get on Faith’s good side so that she will confide in him.”

“Please,” Connor said. “She doesn’t confide in us, she isn’t going to do it with you two.”

“I know. But it’s like good cop, bad cop.”

“That’s more like it,” Lynn said. “We know who is good and who is bad. And I’m guessing Faith is going to make you work for it. So you better have a backup plan.”

Jolene got up and moved away, mumbling, “Backup plan, my butt. Gavin says he has this, so he’s going to have to prove it.”


Never Stepping Up

“Sawyer. I’m sorry you had to come this way, but I’m so glad to see you.”

“Don’t worry about it, Grandma,” he said, leaning in to kiss her. He was feeling guilty the whole two hours here that he didn’t make the time to visit.

Even staying until his grandfather’s appointment Monday morning, he could have said he’d be here on Sunday but decided to give them the whole weekend of his time.

Faith seemed to understand and he was happy about that.

“I know,” his grandmother said. “But you’ve got a very important job.”

“Not important enough that I can’t spend time with my grandparents. They know I’m out of town and I’m off on Monday. No one will call me. James will take care of it all.”
