Page 43 of Falling For You

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Blowing out a breath, I rest my hands on my head, turning my face to him as I shrug. “I fell in love with her.”

Trey’s eyebrows shoot up as he stares at me in shock. “But you don’t want to date her?”

“No. I want to fucking marry her,” I growl. Trey does a double-take, his mouth dropping open as he stares at me.



“You totally fucked up.”

“Thanks, Captain Obvious.” I drop my hands into my lap, staring gloomily at the steel fireplace. Trey drums his fingers on his thighs, staring at the side of my head until I reluctantly turn to meet his gaze.

“So, what are you going to do now?”

There’s only one thing to do. “Get fucking drunk.”

“Okay. Then how are you going to get her back?”

I stare at him like he has two heads. Did he not hear what I said?

“I’m not. She’s done with me.”

Trey’s lips slowly curve up into a disbelieving grin as he snorts.

“You’ve never given up on anything in your life.”

Yeah, well, there’s a first time for everything. “I’m giving up on this.”

“Seems a shit time to start being a quitter.”

“Fuck off and let me wallow, you prick.”

“Okay.” Trey shoves off the couch and crosses to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and two tumblers.

“What are you doing?”

“Twins don’t let quitters drink alone.”

He drops back onto the couch, pouring two drinks and handing me one. I pound it back, snatching the bottle and refilling my glass as he sips his, watching me silently. Whatever. He can stay as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

I’m going to drink until the idea of Thelma being done with me doesn’t hurt anymore… or until I pass out, which I think will come first.


Leaving Grady standing outside the door, I step into the classroom, meeting the instructor’s gaze, and offering a small smile.

“Welcome. Thelma?”

Nodding, I cross to place my bag with the others against the wall, taking my spot at the back on an empty mat.

“Hi,” the woman next to me flashes a smile, turning to give the instructor her full attention as the woman starts to speak.

“Welcome to our beginner’s yoga class. I’m aware that some people here will have had some experience with yoga in the past, and others will be complete novices. Both are okay. I’m Amelia. I’ll be your instructor today. We’ll do some warm-up stretches and some breathing exercises, and then I’ll demonstrate the poses and move through to assist as required.”

Her voice is warm and rich, matching her pleasant face and smile. There is incense burning somewhere and soft, classical music. The classroom is light and airy and couldn’t be further from my boxing sessions if I tried.

This is my first yoga class here at Dynamo, and it’s weird being here and not being in the small studio with Jimmy. My heart aches, and I blink rapidly. Don’t cry, Thelma. That’s pathetic. You weren’t even dating. You were screwing. That’s all. Get over it.
