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Once I’m clean and dry, I slip on a lightweight sundress, perfect for the day ahead.

As I step out of the bathroom, my heart skips a beat at the sight of Zethe. His eyes darken with desire, and he tosses his vidtablet onto the freshly made bed. There’s a predatory grace to his movements as he approaches me.

He towers over me, his gaze intense. There’s no fear in me though. Instead, a warmth spreads through my chest. “I want to kiss you,” he murmurs, his voice low.

A thrill shoots through me, and I can’t resist the urge to tease him. “Then why don’t you?” I challenge, lifting my chin to meet his gaze.

As the words leave my lips, the air in the room becomes electric. My heart pounds in my chest like a drum, and my breath catches in my throat.

The anticipation of his touch sends an electric shock through me, but I stand my ground, awaiting his next move.

I see the desire flare in Zethe’s eyes, and for a moment, I wonder if I’ve gone too far.

But then he closes the distance between us. His hand finds my waist, his touch searing hot through the thin fabric of my sundress. His tentacles twitch in what I assume is anticipation. An involuntary shiver courses through me. His other hand cups my cheek, his touch gentle despite his strength.

“Rey,” he murmurs, his voice husky with longing. He leans down, closing the space between us. His eyes flicker to my lips, and I find myself holding my breath.

Then he’s kissing me.

His lips meet mine in a sweet exploration, each brush of our mouths a new revelation. It’s a soft kiss, filled with a promise of something more. His tentacle tightens around my waist, pulling me flush against him. His touch is tender, reverent even, making me feel cherished in a way I’ve never known before.

Every part of our skin that touches sends soft electric shocks through me, as if we’re two magnets joining as one.

As the kiss deepens, I find myself lost in him, in the taste of the sea and the firm yet gentle press of his lips, filled with heat and promise.

His large hand cups the back of my neck, holding me close as his other hand glides down to my waist, pulling me closer. I gasp at the contact, at the electricity that crackles between us. He deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring the recesses of my mouth in a way that leaves me breathless.

My hands find their way to his hair, running through the silky strands. He responds by pressing me closer, his hand tracing the curve of my waist. His suckers grip my skin lightly, a strange but exciting sensation.

But then I feel something else. Something that sends a jolt of awareness through me. One of his tentacles, it’s sliding up my leg, trailing a cool, thrilling path up my thigh beneath the fabric of my dress. The suckers attach themselves lightly to my skin as they move, sending shivers of pleasure shooting up my spine.

I can’t help the small whimper that escapes me, and Zethe takes advantage of my open mouth to explore further. The tentacle continues its leisurely journey upward, its cool, smooth skin contrasting deliciously with the heat of our bodies.

I clutch at Zethe’s shoulders, gasping into his mouth as the suckers on his tentacle grip my thigh, sending a wave of pleasure crashing over me. It’s a feeling unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, both strange and exciting at the same time.

As the kiss deepens, and his tentacle caresses my thigh, I surrender to the sensations. Zethe’s mouth is addictive, his kisses potent. But the tantalizing touch of his tentacle, the way it teases my skin with its suckers, it’s driving me wild.

The passion intensifying, I return the kiss with everything I have, pouring all my confusion, my surprise, and my growing attraction into it. His tentacles wrap around me further, pulling me closer, and the world fades away. There’s just him and me, locked in a kiss that seems to stop time itself.

When we finally part, we’re both panting, our eyes locked on each other. Zethe’s eyes are dark with desire, his tentacle still wrapped around my thigh. There’s a promise in his gaze, a promise of more, of endless nights filled with passion and intimacy.

He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead before releasing me.

I realize then that I’m not just falling for Zethe. I’m also falling for the man, the kraken, who has shown me a side of pleasure I never knew existed.

I know I want to explore more, to experience more of what he has to offer. And most importantly, I want to do it all with him.

My fingers lightly touch my tingling lips as I blink, slowly returning to the present. His kiss was nothing short of electric, a jolt of warmth spreading through my veins. “I… wow, Zethe.”

He chuckles, his body rumbling with the sound. “That’s a good reaction, I think.” His eyes darken, a tentacle moving to curl gently around my waist. “As much as I’d like to keep doing this, we better get out of the villa before my tentacles get any ideas.”

I laugh, a light, airy sound that echoes around the room. “Is that so?” I playfully ask, leaning up to nip his ear. “Well, I am famished. Lead me to your favorite food place, Zethe.”

“Whatever you wish, Rey,” he replies, a promise hidden in his words.

Looking down, I notice my sandals next to the bed, not where I left them yesterday on the beach. I glance at him, question clear in my eyes. He shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips. “Zoe, Sage and Drax came over to help me carry you back. Zoe took the liberty of gathering your sandals and towel. The towel’s with the cleaners.”

My heart swells at his attention to detail, at the fact that he cared so much for my comfort. “You guys are too sweet,” I tell him, slipping my feet into the sandals. “I owe Zoe and Sage a big thank you then.” I look up to meet his gaze. “And you too, of course. You’ve gone above and beyond already, Zethe.”
