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His dark eyes are warm, the barest hint of a smile playing at the edges of his lips. “For you, Rey,” he says, a strange intensity in his voice. “I would do anything.”

The words cause an unexpected flutter in my stomach, and I look down to hide my blush. “Well,” I say, my voice surprisingly steady, “let’s not keep my stomach waiting. Lead the way, oh gallant kraken lifeguard.”

His rich laughter fills the room, causing another flutter in my stomach. This was new, different, but not unwelcome. I could get used to this.

As we step out of the villa, the cool sea breeze greets us. The sun is high in the sky, the waves lap gently against the shore, and the scent of the salty air fills my lungs. It’s a perfect day for an adventure.

Zethe hovers protectively near me, moving in an alien and fascinating manner. His tentacles ripple across the ground, propelling him forward with grace. They curl and extend in a rhythmic, mesmerizing dance. I’m impressed by his strength and the ease with which he moves.

As we stroll through the resort, I find my gaze drawn back to Zethe. He’s like nothing I’ve ever encountered before—a lifeguard, a rescuer, a gentle soul wrapped in a mysterious, fascinating body.

“Zethe?” I ask, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Yes, Rey?”

“Thank you. For saving me. For… everything.”

He squeezes my hand gently, his gaze sincere. “You’re worth it, Rey. Every moment, every breath. You’re worth it.”

“So, where are we headed?” I ask, blushing. “I hope it’s somewhere with a great view.”

Zethe gives me a mischievous grin. “Oh, I think you’ll like it.”

He leads me along the resort, taking me on a scenic route. We pass by the pristine pools, the bustling restaurants, the lively bars, and the myriad of shops, but we don’t stop. Zethe has a particular destination in mind, it seems.

As we stroll along the stone walkways, the salty breeze tickling my face, Zethe breaks the silence. “So, Rey, what do you do for a living?” His voice is deep, resonant, his words pulling me back from my thoughts.

“I’m a web developer. I work for a company that provides services to other businesses instead of working directly for a corporation,” I respond, licking my lips. “I know it’s nothing exciting like what you do here.”

“What are you talking about?” Zethe declares. “I’ve never met anyone who works in technology. There have been many guests who work in business and marketing, but not in building or design. What made you want to work in your field?”

“I’ve always been fascinated by technology,” I confess, glancing at him. “Even when I was a little girl, I was the one always fixing the computer or helping my parents with their vidtablets. Trying to figure out how things worked. I guess it was just a natural progression for me.

“I fell in love with coding in high school. It’s like solving a puzzle, you know? Every line of code, every function, it all needs to fit together perfectly to create something beautiful and functional. It was the perfect blend of creativity and logic, and I just… fell in love with it.”

His eyes light up as I talk, showing genuine interest in my words. It’s a simple thing, but it warms me from the inside out. I can’t remember the last time someone was genuinely interested in what I did for a living.

“It sounds like you really love what you do,” he comments, and I nod in agreement.

“I do,” I confirm. “It’s challenging and frustrating at times, but the satisfaction I get when I see a website I’ve created live and working? It’s an amazing feeling. Plus, it allows me to work remotely, so I can travel and work at the same time. I’m here for vacation, but I’m also here for a change of scenery while I work on a project.”

“What about you?” I ask, turning the question back on him. “How did you become a lifeguard?”

He seems to ponder for a moment, his tentacles making patterns in the sand as we walk. “There isn’t that much an aquatic monster can do on land, and I like interacting with land and sky species. I’ve always felt a connection to the water, and being a lifeguard allows me to be in my element while also helping others. It’s fulfilling in its own way, and it gives me an opportunity to interact with people… like you.” His gaze softens as he looks at me, making my heart flutter.

I feel my cheeks heat up, a nervous giggle escaping my lips. “So, what do you normally do as the resort’s lifeguard?”

He grins at my question, as we find an empty table at the café. “It’s not all rescuing beautiful women from the sea, if that’s what you’re thinking,” he teases, his tentacle curling around my ankle under the table. “I ensure that everyone follows the safety rules, I patrol the swimming areas, handle any disturbances, and occasionally, I get to show guests around the resort. In my free time, I work on my sand sculptures. A passion of mine.”

His words touch something deep inside me. His dedication, his passion for his job… it’s all so attractive. There’s a quiet strength to him, a sense of purpose that’s absolutely magnetic. I can’t help but admire him, not just for his physical attributes, but for the person he is beneath the surface.

I give him a small smile, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand. “You’re a good person, Zethe. Don’t ever forget that.”

He looks at me, surprise clear in his eyes. But then he smiles back, his gaze warm. “Thank you, Rey,” he murmurs, his voice low and soft. “That means a lot coming from you.”

As we continue walking, our fingers intertwined, I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, giving us a chance was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Zethe leads me away from the bustling heart of the resort and toward a structure that looks like a picturesque seaside cottage, though it’s clearly much more substantial than that. It’s a two-story building with a large wraparound porch that extends to the second floor, providing an inviting, shaded area on both levels. The pale blue of the walls harmonizes beautifully with the sandy hues of the roof, echoing the colors of the beach nearby. The overall design is that of a traditional beach house, complete with white-trimmed windows and doors, but there’s an almost grandeur to it that sets it apart.
