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It looks warm, welcoming, yet professional.

“What is this place?” I ask, my eyes taking in the sight of the structure.

“This is the resort’s medical center,” Zethe answers, guiding me up the porch steps. “Our head medic, Eaen, lives on the second floor. It makes it easier for him to respond to emergencies, even when he’s off duty.”

I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at that. “Isn’t that exhausting? Being on call all the time?”

Zethe grins, shaking his head. “We don’t really have many injuries here on the resort, and the ones that do happen tend to be minor. Most are healed by the end of the day.”

“But humans don’t heal as quickly as monsters,” I counter, looking back at the impressive building. “If you’re planning on attracting more human guests, maybe Eaen could use a bit more help?”

Zethe tilts his head, considering my words. There’s an open-mindedness to him that I appreciate. He doesn’t dismiss my concerns outright, but actually considers them. In him, I see a willingness to understand and adapt, a trait I find increasingly endearing.

“You’re right, Rey. We are in the process of hiring more medics to accommodate our growing clientele.” His hand tightens around mine. “But I promise you, while you’re here, you’ll be in safe tentacles.”

His cheeky grin lightens the conversation, and I can’t help but laugh.

Zethe guides me into the medical center, and I’m immediately struck by the interior design. The floors are a beautiful marble, gleaming under the soft light that filters in through the large windows. The walls and furniture, crafted from rich, dark woods, are carved with intricate patterns and scenes, the craftsmanship so detailed that it’s like stepping into a piece of art. It’s a balance of elegance and comfort, soothing and luxurious at the same time.

“Looks like the assistant is out,” Zethe observes, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious room. He steps toward a desk, pressing a button on a sleek console.

A moment later, the back door bursts open and an astonishing figure steps into view. A hummingbird-like birdman, no taller than my shoulder, flutters in, an array of vibrant tropical feathers fanning out around him. His plumage is an array of colors—blues, purples, yellows, and greens—shimmering as though dusted with iridescence. Each flutter of his small wings creates a soft humming sound, a gentle reminder of his avian nature. His features are human-like, yet softened and enhanced by his avian characteristics—a curved beak-like nose, large expressive eyes, and the mesmerizing feathered crest that adorns his head.

He’s unlike any birdman I’ve ever seen. I lose the struggle not to stare, utterly captivated by this vivid display of otherworldly beauty.

Zethe introduces the two of us, his deep voice filling the spacious medical center.

“This is Eaen, our head medic,” he tells me, his tentacles gesturing toward the colorful birdman.

“And Eaen,” he continues, his eyes glancing over to the birdman, “this is Rey.”

The birdman medic, Eaen, flutters his wings at the introduction, a sound akin to a soft coo emanating from his beak. It’s a melodic sound, soothing and harmonious.

“Rey,” he trills, his voice much like his coo. “A pleasure to finally meet you.”

His words are welcoming, and I feel special, as if he treats me as a member of the community here. If I don’t count the sleepy catman I accidentally woke up yesterday, this community has shown me nothing but kindness.

“We’re here for a check-up,” Zethe informs Eaen, “we want to make sure Rey is in good health before we continue our day.”

Eaen nods, a flurry of colors as circles the desk. He retrieves a medpack and scanner, his wings humming softly as he moves.

“How are you feeling, Rey?” he asks, his eyes, bright and attentive, looking at me.

“Hungry,” I admit. “And a slight heaviness in my chest, my muscles are aching too. But otherwise, I feel fine.”

He nods, his feathers rustling softly. “Must be from swallowing some water before you were rescued,” he muses, his gaze meeting mine. “Take it easy while you’re here. Don’t overwork yourself and make sure to stay hydrated. Lots of electrolyte drinks will do the trick.”

I nod, the advice making sense. I may have been rescued from the water, but it seems I still have a little way to go before I’m back to one hundred percent. But with Zethe at my side, I know I’m in good hands.

“If your condition worsens or you feel dizzy or have trouble breathing, you must call me or come here as soon as possible,” Eaen instructs me with a sincere look in his bright eyes. His words have a tone of insistence, but his voice remains soft and calm.

“I’d rather check you out and have it be a false alarm than let you continue your day not feeling well and potentially causing permanent damage,” he adds, an edge of concern in his trilling voice. It’s clear that he takes his role as the head medic very seriously.

Beside me, Zethe nods, his numerous eyes never leaving me. He seems intent on memorizing every word, every instruction. “I will make sure nothing else happens to her,” he promises Eaen, his voice firm and resolute. Then, he turns to me, his gaze softening, “And I’ll make sure to page Eaen right away if anything changes.”

Eaen seems satisfied with Zethe’s assurance. He nods, his brightly colored feathers rustling with the movement. “I hope you have a wonderful remainder of your stay, Rey,” he tells me, his tone genuine. “And it was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Thank you for your time, Eaen,” I say gratefully. His advice and attention have already made me feel better.
