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“We’ll keep in touch, Eaen,” Zethe adds as we turn to leave, his tentacles propelling us toward the door.

Eaen’s melodious farewell follows us out, but I hardly notice. All I can focus on is the feeling of Zethe’s tentacle wrapped protectively around me, his eyes on me with a level of care and attention I’ve never known. It’s incredibly reassuring and more than a little thrilling.

I wonder what he has plans for us the rest of the day… and the rest of my trip.



Relief floods through me as we leave Eaen’s office. Rey is on the mend, and there are no immediate concerns about her health. The Head Medic didn’t find anything wrong with her, and I couldn’t be more relieved.

I send up a silent prayer of gratitude to the Moon Goddess, swearing on everything I hold dear that I will prove to both her and my fated mate that I am worthy of Rey.

Just saying her name in my mind brings a rush of warmth.

Guiding Rey gently, I lead her toward the beachfront. It’s a short walk to our destination—Sora’s Seaside Shack, my favorite dining spot on the resort. Nestled between the lively volleyball courts and the picturesque lagoon where merpeople love to congregate, Sora’s is a hub of lively chatter, hearty laughter and irresistible smells.

The restaurant is an outdoor setup, tables under a canopy with the open sky above and a panoramic view of the beach. The cooking station is a raft anchored in the water between the breakwater walls, protected from the waves yet close enough for easy access by both aquatic and terrestrial clientele. It’s a unique experience, one that guests always love.

“I hope you’re hungry, Rey,” I say as we find a comfortable table overlooking the lagoon. The tables are made from reclaimed driftwood, polished to a mirror sheen and decorated with vibrant coral and shells. “Sora is a dear friend of mine, and she’s always delighted when guests try out her dishes.”

Curiosity sparkles in Rey’s eyes as she surveys the place. “What does Sora serve?” she asks me, her eyes meeting mine.

A playful smirk tugs at my lips, as I lean in closer. “You’ll just have to wait and see,” I tease her, my tentacles drumming a playful rhythm on the tabletop.

Sora’s Seaside Shack is abuzz with customers. Aquatic monsters, predominantly, their scales and fins shimmering in the tropical sun. Some birdmen, with their vibrant plumage, are scattered about as well, all of them deep into their meals, animatedly chatting and laughing with their companions.

The air is filled with the mingling scents of the sea, the chattering of various aquatic species enjoying their meals, and the occasional song-like call from birdmen enjoying the seaside view. The atmosphere is vibrant and full of life, as diverse as the creatures who have gathered here. I always marvel at the interplay between all the different kinds of species, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the resort’s community.

To the side at the cooking raft, Sora’s twin kraken chefs are at work. They chop and dice with a fluidity and precision that’s almost mesmerizing to watch, their tentacles moving in perfect harmony. Fish, seaweed, vegetables, and other unfamiliar but tantalizing ingredients are skillfully prepared and transformed into mouth-watering dishes.

Our attention is drawn away from the kitchen by the approach of a figure from the lagoon.

Sora herself glides over to our table, her majestic tail sweeping through the water with practiced ease. Her long, white hair is held back by a decorative hairpiece fashioned from a net and shells. It makes her aqua eyes stand out brilliantly, a contrast to her dark brown skin, which is adorned with sparkling water droplets that make her jade and silver scales glisten in the sunlight.

“Welcome, friends!” Sora greets us warmly, a wide, friendly smile gracing her lips. She reaches out and grasps Rey’s hands, her tail flicking happily behind her. “What’s your name, dear?”

I know Sora is well aware of Rey’s name. The whole resort’s staff is. But this is Sora’s way of making Rey feel welcomed, special. It’s why I brought Rey here. Sora has a knack for making everyone feel at home.

“Rey,” Rey introduces herself, her eyes shining with interest as she takes in Sora.

“Rey,” Sora repeats, nodding approvingly. “I’m Sora. What brings you two here today?”

Rey’s eyes flit to me briefly before returning to Sora. “Zethe brought me here. We’re both hungry, and he suggested this place.”

I decide to add to that, smiling at Sora. “I wanted Rey to try something truly unique to the resort. Something you wouldn’t typically find unless you dine in an aquatic monster-owned and managed restaurant.”

Sora’s eyes twinkle with delight as she asks Rey, “So, are you willing to try anything?”

Rey doesn’t hesitate. She nods her head confidently. “I believe in trying everything at least once before making a decision.”

Sora claps her hands together, her laughter ringing out like a chorus of holiday bells. “Perfect,” she says. “I’m going to make you something special then!” And with that, she swims away, leaving a trail of bubbles in her wake.

Rey turns to me, her eyes wide. “Should I be scared?” she asks, a hint of nervousness creeping into her voice.

I chuckle, shaking my head. “Sora and her kraken mates know what they’re doing. You’re in safe hands,” I reassure her.

Her eyes widen even more as she looks back at the cooking raft, her gaze flicking between Sora and the kraken twins. She leans closer, her voice dropping to a whisper as she asks, “Is she in a polyamorous relationship with the kraken twins?”
