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One of my tentacles slides up her inner thigh, its tip probing her entrance. The gasp that spills from her lips echoes through me as I slide it into her, stretching her in the most delicious way.

Her body arches against mine as I begin to thrust the tentacle in and out of her. I watch her expressions as pleasure overtakes her, my mouth never leaving her clit.

The sight of her writhing beneath me, lost in the sensations I’m providing, is intoxicating.

Meanwhile, two more of my tentacles slither up her torso, wrapping themselves around her breasts. Their suckers latch onto her nipples, tugging and kneading them with just the right amount of pressure. I relish in the squeals of pleasure that bubble from her throat, each sound stoking the fire within me.

I sit up, my gaze never leaving her. A new tentacle takes my place, its suckers attaching to her clit. I continue to thrust into her, my tentacles moving in unison, stimulating her from all sides.

“Look at you, Rey,” I purr, my voice husky with desire. “You’re so beautiful like this, all wrapped up in my tentacles. I love tasting you, feeling you, hearing your moans.” I lean in closer, my breath hot against her skin. “I want you to claim me, Rey. Make me yours as much as you are mine.”

Her eyes meet mine, dark and hazy with desire. She clings to my tentacles, her body beginning to shudder. And then, with a scream of my name, she climaxes, her body clenching around me as waves of pleasure crash over her.

I can’t help but join her, the sight of her release pushing me over the edge. I hold her tight, her name a low growl in my throat as we ride out our climax together.

With a final shuddering breath, Rey’s body slumps into the sheets, her eyes fluttering shut as her breathing evens out. Her skin is flushed, her body glistening with a thin sheen of sweat from the intensity of her climax. I take a moment to marvel at the sight of her, spent and satisfied. I feel a swell of pride, knowing I was the one to bring her to such a state of bliss.

Pulling myself away, I make my way to the bathroom, returning with a damp washcloth. Rey is still motionless, save for the steady rise and fall of her chest. I gently wipe her down, cleaning the evidence of our coupling from her body. My heart thumps with pride as I take note of the small marks left behind by my suckers. I’ve left my mark on her, visible proof of the passion we just shared.

Finished, I discard the washcloth and grab a fluffy towel, slipping it beneath Rey’s body. The sheets are a bit damp, but it’s nothing that can’t be taken care of by housekeeping tomorrow. For now, my main concern is ensuring Rey is comfortable.

Once I’m satisfied, I crawl back into bed beside her. Her body molds to mine, seeking the warmth I offer. I wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer. The feel of her soft body nestled against my chest sends a wave of contentment washing over me. I tuck my face into her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her.

My eyelids grow heavy, the rhythm of Rey’s slow, steady breathing lulling me toward sleep. With her in my arms, I realize how right this feels. How complete I feel. For the first time in my life, I feel like I truly belong. I let that feeling wash over me, pulling me deeper into the embrace of sleep.

“Sweet dreams, Rey,” I whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She murmurs something in her sleep, nestling closer to me. With a smile on my face, I close my eyes and let sleep claim me, knowing I’ll wake up with her in my arms.



I’m wrapped up in the warmth of Zethe’s arms, his steady breathing in my ear a soothing soundtrack to my thoughts. The intimacy of the moment makes my heart flutter. He slept around me, holding me close in a gentle embrace, his long tentacles wrapped around my body.

I feel safe, cherished, and so incredibly loved.

A sense of belonging washes over me, a feeling I’ve never experienced before.

As an employee of a massive corporation, I’ve always felt like a cog in the machine. A nameless, faceless worker among thousands.

But here, with Zethe, I feel seen. I am Rey, the woman he rescued, the woman he desires. I feel like I matter.

The thought of staying here, of making a life with Zethe, scares me. But it’s a thrilling kind of fear, not a terrifying one. I know I could do my job remotely. With the resort’s robust internet connection, I could attend meetings virtually, travel only when necessary for conferences.

The question isn’t whether I can make this life work; the question is whether I should.

Would it be insane to leave everything I know behind for a kraken? For this incredible, loving creature who has shown me nothing but kindness and desire?

It sounds crazy, but the more I think about it, the less insane it seems.

Zethe has never given me any reason to doubt him. He has shown me respect, care, and a desire that matches my own. If he wants me, then what’s holding me back?

The sound of the ocean waves lapping against the shore fills the room, a gentle reminder of the life that could be mine. I snuggle closer to Zethe, listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing. I close my eyes, letting myself imagine a future here, with him. It’s a future filled with possibilities, with love and warmth and happiness.

Maybe, just maybe, this could be my new beginning.

The sudden chime of the door startles both of us awake. Zethe leaps from the bed, his body instantly taut and ready for a fight, while I scramble to pull the blankets over myself.

Through the blur of sleep, I watch as Zethe approaches the wall screen, revealing our unexpected guests. Zoe, with her perennial frown, stands there looking more concerned than usual, next to her is an embarrassed looking naga wearing a white gardener hat and brown gloves.
