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Zethe’s voice is curt as he asks them what they want.

“I need to speak with Rey,” Zoe announces. Her gaze doesn’t shift from me, making me squirm uncomfortably beneath the blanket.

Zethe’s tentacles flex and curl as he replies, “You can come back later. Rey’s not ready for visitors.”

Zoe’s frown deepens as she asks, “When will she be ready?”

I decide to intervene at this point. “I don’t know, Zoe,” I say, my voice heavy with sleep. “But I can meet you for lunch. At the pizza and popcorn joint?”

Zoe’s expression softens a little. “All right,” she says, “I’ll see you there.”

As the wall screen fades to black, I can’t help but question Zethe’s hostile behavior. “Why were you so aggressive with them?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Zethe looks back at me, his eyes reflecting the concern he usually keeps hidden. “I just… I don’t want anyone to take you away from me,” he says, his voice vulnerable. “I was merely protecting you, Rey.”

It’s an honesty that makes my heart flutter, reassuring me that choosing this new path was indeed the right decision.

“But from Zoe?” I press, eyebrows raised. “She’s our friend, and she wasn’t here to harm us. She’s probably come to check on me because I haven’t spoken to her since I arrived, and I nearly drowned.”

His gaze softens, and he takes a slow, steadying breath. “I understand that,” he says, coming back to sit on the edge of the bed. “But it’s still early, and you were… well, not dressed. I didn’t want her to see you like this. I know humans are typically protective of their nudity.”

I can’t help but chuckle at his explanation. “Zethe, it’s not like she hasn’t seen a woman in her underwear before. We’re at an exotic monster resort where monsters are walking around naked. Humans, rather than you guys, are the odd ones out when it comes to clothing.”

“I know, Rey,” he responds, his voice firm but his expression soft. “But it’s different. You’re… mine, and I didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed by their presence and in your current position.”

His admission makes my heart flutter. Even though I’ve been aware of his feelings for me, hearing him say it out loud is a different thing altogether.

I feel cherished… wanted… and cared for.

“And besides,” he continues, a shy smile playing on his lips, “I like the fact that I’m the only one who gets to see you like this. It’s not my fault that my protective instincts took over.”

I roll my eyes, but there’s a warm feeling in my chest, a small flame that sparks every time he says something sweet. “You’re incorrigible,” I tell him, trying to hide my smile. “Now, help me find something decent to wear. We have a lunch date to prepare for.”

Zethe chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound that vibrates through the room, and nods in agreement. And even as we set about getting ready for the day, I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve made the right decision, that being with Zethe is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

I put on my sandals and take Zethe’s hand as I lead him to the bed. I notice a towel in the spot where I awoke, and realize Zethe must have cleaned up after what happened last night while I was unconscious.

There are some differences between us that I need to sort out to understand everything that has happened between us.

“Zethe,” I begin, wrapping my arms around his thick neck, looking into his deep, dark eyes. “I want to understand more about your… kraken nature, but this is still new to me. I feel like we are in different leagues when it comes to physical intimacy.” I confess, biting my lip nervously.

His eyes soften, and he pulls me closer, one of his larger tentacles curling around my waist protectively. “Rey,” he says, his voice a low rumble. “You don’t have to worry. We took a step together last night, a step that I enjoyed just as much as you did.”

I blush at his words but can’t help but feel a little bit of relief. “You’re sure?”

His smile is gentle, reassuring. “I’m sure,” he says. “You know, male krakens… we’re used to being the… less dominant ones. Female krakens are larger, stronger… and far more aggressive when it comes to… mating. It’s a test of our worthiness. And if we pass, we are honored with the act of mating.”

I swallow, processing his words. “So, last night…”

He chuckles, the sound vibrating through his chest. “Last night, you conquered me, Rey,” he says. “And believe me, I enjoyed every moment of it.”

“But… you didn’t…” I blush again, finding it hard to say the words.

He tilts my chin up gently, meeting my eyes. “I don’t need to,” he says. “Just being with you, tasting you… it’s more than enough for me.”

“But I want to make you feel good too, Zethe,” I say softly.

His grin is sly as he leans in, whispering in my ear. “Then, Rey, you just have to squeeze my head between your thighs all you want. You don’t need tentacles to make me lose control.”
