Page 16 of Jude's Story

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“I’m sure Eden will be fine with them coming over. Needing help, well, she can argue with Mom on that one, because I’m not about to get between her and babies.”

Doug lets out a laugh and we run through what the women told us, as well as the judges Black has in his pocket, confirming the easiest method to remedy this will be to get Black’s DNA ourselves. The man has a routine Thursday he visits the health club and we set it up to go down then, giving me time to first, teach Jennie to never say shit that might upset my wife again, and then to commit the information about Black to memory.

Come Thursday, he’ll regret upsetting Eden with his refusal to help his own children. Mark my word.


I stroll towards the lobby, a smile on my face and Eden’s kiss on my lips. When she saw the information I had on Black, she insisted she wanted to see the man before he was hauled away by the cops. I asked why and she made my balls so fucking full when she answered me with, “So he’ll get to see firsthand who’s going to be the babies’ daddy for life, just how incredible he is and how much we all love him.”

It had me all over her, and now, I swear I can’t go two hours without hearing my baby girl tell me she loves me. They’re the sweetest words imaginable and I’ll never take them for granted.

I don’t know what was the final piece that let her guard down to give me them. If it was marching Jennie in front of her apologizing for her passive aggressive way of warning us about the CF. Or if it was simply the part that I was willing to play to get Black held accountable for his shit. Or if it was both together, but I’m not not about to argue when I get to hear them as she comes for me.

I reach the lobby, hearing Black sputter at the guard who refuses to let him through the door his keycard won’t open any longer. I clear my throat, drawing his attention, and the man narrows his eyes on me, before turning back towards Ryan who simply stares through Black.

“If you don’t stop shouting at my staff, I will call the police to remove you, Black,” I state, quieting the others in the space that were whispering.

“You don’t own the whole fucking town despite what you Cartwrights think,” he retorted, and I let out a low laugh, knowing this was honestly going better than I initially planned already.

“But I do own the club, and seeing as how it’s a private business, I can refuse entry to anyone I want. You’re no longer welcome Black. Now, get the fuck out before I decide not to be a gentleman and show you how you treat women—especiallywomen you get pregnant. Take your deadbeat ass, and get lost,” I add, making the man’s eyes darken in fury.

“I don’t have any pregnant women. Unlike you dumbass Cartwrights, I know how to use birth control.”

It takes everything inside me not to deck the man and I can tell Ryan’s ready to step in if necessary to keep me from killing the bastard, but I won’t do that to my girl. This is for her more than me, I remind myself. “Every single one of the Cartwright babies have been conceived with love and hope they’ll grow into a life we can treasure. Whereas you think babies are a way to toy with women you feel are beneath you, and we both know it, Black. I already was wise to what you were like, but you chose thewronggirl to mess with, didn’t you?”

“I don’t play around with girls. I like mature, older women,” he snaps back, drawing an outraged huff from his girlfriend who’s only twenty-two. “I don’t know where you get your information from, but it’s clearly inaccurate.”

“Oh, it’s not. In fact, one of them told me all about your need for the little blue pill to last one round,” I return, smirking when his eyes darken even further. “But this last time, you really fucked up, didn’t you? I mean usually, you only went after women with younger kids of their own or those without kids, but despite learning about Eden, you still went after Nina, didn’t you?”

“What kind of lies has that little bitch been telling? I’ll sue for defamation,” he crows, and I take a step forward, my eyes dark as I glare at the bastard.

“Call mywife, anythingthat disrespectful again, and you’ll be drinking your dinner for the rest of your miserable life. It’s no surprise you couldn’t man up and support thefourbabies you created with her mother after shedied, though I suppose. Not since you can’t get your dick up without a pill,” I state, letting him get two punches in before I knock him to his ass with one.

Ryan grabs Black before he can try to get up to come after me again and asks, “Would you like the police called?”

“Yes, tell them to add trespassing onto the assault,” I state, angering the bastard further. He continues to yell until cops show up, cuffing him despite the blood dripping from his nose.

“Mr. Cartwright was defending himself. There are plenty of witnesses to confirm that fact,” Ryan states and I nod towards the cameras.

“We’ll be more than happy to drop off the tapes to confirm it. Please, collect whatever evidence you need,” I add to the officers as they look at the blood on the floor.

“Fuck you and that bitch!” Black shouts, spitting at me, and if it weren’t for the hand that settled onto my shoulder, I would have likely ended up behind bars after wrapping my hands around his neck and murdering the bastard.

“Do you think a judge would accept this to confirm paternity of the quadruplets?” Eden asks, wiping my face with a tissue, making Black hiss louder with anger.

“With written confirmation from the police officers here and the security footage, they’d have to,” I state, as Doug and Victoria move into the space.

“I’ll happily join in paying for the costs for the tests. It’s about time someone taught him a lesson,” Victoria adds, and Eden’s laugh as the police drag the screaming man outside, simply makes me need her again.

“Thank you, for everything,” Eden says, sliding fully into my hold, her hand lowering mine to her belly, “but especially for these babies, daddy.”

“Thank you for changing my mind on having my own. These two and the four at home are all mine now. Even when he gets what he deserves, I’m never letting him near our babies, not a single one of them,” I promise, kissing her until I have to be inside her again, or die with need.



Alaugh bubbles up as I glance at the test. The positive is the most amazing sign in the world. At least now I know why I’ve been craving my husband more than anything the last few days. The only time when I needed him so badly it actually hurt was when I was pregnant with the twins.

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