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“Absofuckinglutely not.” She walked to her armour and swung into it.

Torun was grinning, and she closed the unit, making it stand upright.

“Well, I guess this means I am quitting. I am going to have to find out my immigration status. I was going to have Lehhalla look into that for me.”

Torun frowned. “Do you have a lawyer?”

“Uh, Zera recommended one.”

“Ah. Call him.”

She inclined Titan’s head. “I will.”

Remark paused. “Is it Vikor?”

“Yeah. Oh. Um. He is one of your consortium?”

Remark nodded. “He is. Can I invite you home for dinner?”

“No. I need to be getting home and getting things in line. But I will leave your partner a message.”

Remark nodded. “I already have. He’s expecting your call.”

“Thank you. I am still on call for now until I can talk to an admin.”

Torun nodded. “Why don’t you settle for a maternity leave right now? The defenders will not launch a pregnant mother into space.”

“I will see if I can contact the administrators. They have been remarkably hard to get a hold of.”

Torun frowned and lifted his com. The others did as well.

When Torun said, “Prefect, we have been attempting to call stellar defender admin for one of our members, and we are unable to make contact.”

He listened and nodded. “Thank you. The defender in question is Titan. She requires maternity leave while maintaining her immigration status.”

From Torun’s head, they heard,“Titan is a woman?!”

Torun and the others chuckled. “Yes, and an Uraddan refugee.”

“Shit. Let me look into it. Does she have a lawyer?”

Remark held a hand up and then checked his display. “Yes. Vikor is willing to take her on. He needs all of her files though.”

Torun communicated that to the head of the country, who he seemed to have on direct dial.

When he finished, he nodded. “She’s on her way. She is eager to meet you face to face and not just when she is putting a medal on you for saving the world.”

Ondine nodded and settled down, opening her armour. “Right. I will wait.”

Remark walked close to her. “So, who is your boyfriend?”

Ondine blanked her mind.

“Oh, come on. I am curious.”

“I know you are. That is why I am not telling you.”

He laughed and started fiddling with his com.
