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Kaymex smiled. “Order something for me, too.”

Torun grinned. “Me, too. Klauz knows what I like.”

Remark looked at her and lifted a brow. “What do you want, Titan?”

“I am fine.” She smiled. “I don’t eat out much.”

Torun grinned. “I do.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Shut up, Torun.”

Remark looked at her. “Seriously. Do you know the last time you were there? Klauz will bring up your records.”

“Oh, I haven’t been. I go home after assignments.”

The guys in the room were shocked, and the next five minutes were her explaining that she had to take care of her sister and didn’t like leaving her for too long. Food was the fuel that ran her body. She wasn’t that fussy about it.

When new figures walked into the room, they all turned, and Remark expressed his shock. “Madame Prefect, can you believe that Titan has never gone to Klauz’s for a meal?”

The ex-agent smiled. “It is rare. It is the favourite hangout of the actives, after all. A place where they can feel special.”

Ondine shrugged. “I am special enough. Madame, have you been able to find my files?”

“Yes and no. Someone thinks Titan is a robot and is trying to steal you.”

“Well, that won’t work.”

The prefect smiled and pulled her to a seat at the table. “So, when is the baby going to arrive?”

“Two weeks or so. I have bought a home that I want to rebuild, but I need some time to work on it. So, after the attack on my home, I made sure that my sister and the baby were safe and then secured the property I wanted. I am hoping that things are finalized soon so I can get to work.”

The prefect smiled. “Give me the details’ I will make sure it is expedited... but I don’t have a sister registered for you.”

“Amadine Heckler. She’s my sister. We are so alike, we could be clones.”

The prefect’s eyes widened, and she made more notes. “Zera was involved with that?”


Torun perked up. Ondine looked at him. “Do not ask her anything about me, or I am going to get into my suit, grab your ankles, and make a wish.”

The prefect smiled. “Do you have any medical requirements?”

“No. I heal most of myself... myself. I haven’t taken any anatomy courses, so I have had to consult with Zera and Dr. Torenne, but I think I have the hang of it now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was missing some non-essential organs, but I decided that I needed them for social purposes.”

The prefect blinked. “Social?”

“Uh, romantic? I was born in an omega classification, but when my body was crushed, a lot of the identifiers were damaged, and as they are specialized, I didn’t know what they looked like so I could grow them back.”

The prefect stared at her. “You grow your own organs back?”

“Yes, if I know what they look like, but my uterus and most of my ovaries were torn up, so Amadine bought a canister for me. She has a lot more money than I do.”

“Wait. She is the one who writes children’s books?”
