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Her friend came forward for a hug and whispered, “You don’t have to worry, Ondine. I am fine. My trip did me good. I learned who I am and who I want to be.”

Ondine sobbed. “I am so glad.”

“You are smelling very pretty for a tank.”

Ondine leaned back and wiped her face. “Yeah. More extensive repairs.”

“Most people would call it healing, sweetie.”

“Most people don’t have to do it themselves.”

Sariah stroked her cheek. “One way or another, we are all responsible for our own healing. With you, it is literal. Your gentleman caller seems like a good fella.”

Ondine smiled. “Amadine auditioned him for me. She checked out his housekeeping, yard maintenance, and light cooking skills. She also picked him as the father of my child. If you are here for a few weeks, you will meet her.”

Sariah smiled. “I am going to be here for a while. I found someone, too, but he has promised to give me space until I let him know I am ready. So far, he has been true to his word.”

“How long has it been?”

“Five months.”

“Do you like him?”

“Most of the time. He has a lot of facets to his personality. He does want me though and takes care of me before asking anything of me. It’s weird. I feel so settled around him, but I don’t want to get trapped like that again.” She smiled. “I am waiting until I am sure. This time, I have the choice, and I have to be absolutely sure that they are the one.”


“They are complicated. Similar to Misker and Alejandro but definitely different.” Sariah smiled.

“Ah. You are willing to be with athey?”

“This one particular they... I am pretty sure, but taking the time that I need is imperative. That is why I came here to recentre myself.”

“It’s a good place. Nice neighbours, wide open spaces. Plenty of shopping opportunities.” Ondine smiled. “I have to fix a house, but Amadine has lists upon lists.”

“Can she be around tech yet?”

“A little. It is getting better every day.” Ondine looked at her younger self getting back to stepping with the others.

“Good. That was worrying.”

“Yeah, well, she can still read and project her findings of any tech.”

“That’s something. Does she want to become an agent or defender?”

“No. She likes being a writer. The occasional fact-finding mission is all she will take on. How about you?”

“Taking care of myself has done its thing. I am willing to work with others again.” She smiled. “I have met people, trusted people, and learned to walk through the world on my own. It has changed my perspective.”

“I am very happy for you.”

“How silver are you under the suit?”

“Less than one percent.”

Sariah smiled. “Excellent. You are feeling better?”

“Yes, but it is a little sudden. It is like my system was just waiting for an excuse to kick into high gear.”
