Page 56 of Collided

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“So. That was an interesting welcome to the neighbourhood,” Cole said eventually. He slowly withdrew from me and then placed a soft kiss to my shoulder. “Wanna clean up in the shower, then cuddle in our bed all night long? I’ll even make you breakfast in the morning.”

“Yeah.” I straightened up with a groan. “That wall isn’t comfortable.”

“Next time, we’ll do it in our nice soft bed.”

“Withoutan audience.”

When I turned around, Cole was smiling at me, his gorgeous brown eyes shining in the soft glow from the streetlights. “Just us.”

“Just us.”

We sealed our agreement with a kiss.



From my vantage point in the wings at the side of the stage, I surveyed the crowd. It went back for as far as the eye could see, thousands of people here for the weekend to enjoy music and soak up the atmosphere. This was a huge moment for the 2Bit Princes. After five years of building up a reputation in London, as well as online, they’d been invited to play at a big festival, performing on a stage dedicated to talented local artists that deserved the exposure. Part of their set was even due to be filmed by the BBC for a compilation show that would be broadcast the following week.

I was so fucking proud that I could burst. My boyfriend and his bandmates had worked incredibly hard to get to this point, and it had paid off. Now all these people here at the festival would get to see just how amazing they were.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I swore under my breath as the sudden vibration jogged my memory. I knew there was something I’d forgotten to do—put my out-of-office reply on. After the festival weekend was over, I was taking Huxley for a surprise week away, flying to Amsterdam, then on to Berlin, where I’d booked us tickets to see one of his favourite bands.

Pulling up my work email, I set my out-of-office reply. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face when I added my email signature.Cole Clarke,Director of Development. Yeah, my hard work was paying off too. I loved my job at Mind You, where I got to do something I was passionate about every day, and at nights, I got to come home to my incredible boyfriend. And every weekend was spent with the two of us exploring London, or me watching Hux play, or us hanging out with our family and friends. Oh, and our now-monthly Trivial Pursuit nights with our parents, of course, which we took turns hosting.

The one downside? The more famous the band got, the more people there were that wanted a piece of Huxley Granger. But at the end of the day, he was mine. No one else knew him like I did. No one else got to see his soft, vulnerable side, to hold a piece of his heart, to be there to support him through the bad days as well as the good.

Also, no one else got to experience his fucking delicious body. No one else got to map out all his lines and contours and his beautiful dick with their hands and mouth, to make him gasp, to see his face when he came—

Okay…that wasn’t strictly true. One or two of the residents in the buildings around usmighthave seen his face, y’know, if they happened to be looking when we were in the mood for fun times on our huge balcony with its view of the Thames in the distance. Whoever designed those balconies with glass walls was clearly an exhibitionist. At least in our first flat, we’d had a solid brick wall.

But the most important point was he was the one I came home to every night. He was the one I loved, deeply and irrevocably, and I knew he loved me the same way in return. Even if we’d had nothing, as long as we were together, then we’d be happy.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I moved closer to the stage, smiling as the 2Bit Princes launched into their first song—one that was climbing the downloads charts, slowly but surely. The exposure they’d be getting here would give it a huge boost, and I couldn’t wait. Huxley and Tom had written the song together, and there was a line about pretty brown eyes that referred to me, which was very fucking cool. It also mentioned the singer—Huxley—being in love with a man, and fuck, yeah. We needed more gay representation in music. It was one of a thousand different things that made me so proud of the band. I couldn’t even put it into words, but I was buzzing for them.

Halfway through the set list, when the band had finished one song and were taking a moment to swig from the bottles of water the backstage crew had provided, Huxley clasped the microphone stand. He looked over at me, and a smile curved over his lips.

“The next song isn’t one of ours, but it’ll always be special to me. Those of you who’ve been following us will know the background, but if you’re new to the 2Bit Princes…this song is how I first told my boyfriend I loved him. He’s the love of my life, and yeah…I want to dedicate this song to him.”

Then the band launched into “Never Enough” by The Hunna, and I did my best to swallow around the sudden lump in my throat. I sang along with the lyrics, unable to tear my eyes away from Huxley, up there performing on that huge stage for thousands of people, making a statement about his love for me.

When the song finished, my legs moved of their own accord. I ran to him, grabbing him around the back of his neck and pulling him into a hard kiss, right there onstage.

“I love you so much. So. Fucking. Much.” I pressed my forehead against his, trying to catch my breath, so overwhelmed with everything I felt for this man who was my whole world. “You’re everything to me. Everything.”

“I love you, too.” He kissed me again. “And now everyone knows it.”

“Yeah. And everyone knows I love you.” Shifting my gaze to the crowds, I smiled. “Finish your set list. I’ll be waiting.”

With a wave, I jogged off the stage to the roar of the crowds, shooting a wink at Tom, who shook his head at me with a grin on his face.

Then I watched the man I loved blow the audience away with his talent, leaving them begging for more.

And after that? Let’s just say it involved the two of us, plenty of strawberries, and a balcony with a clear glass wall…

