Page 33 of Pistol Perfect

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He didn’t want to give too much away. They had a lot of things to hash out.

“All right, I can give you a hand. Do you think you can stand up without putting any weight on it?”

“I think so.”

He pulled himself up using the swing’s chain and didn’t have any trouble balancing on one foot.

She came over and put her arm around his waist, on the opposite side as his hurt foot.

It was a little awkward as they figured out a way that worked, with him barely touching his toes down to get through the step and putting a lot of his weight on her.

She was sturdy and felt warm but still soft beside him, and he really didn’t want to be using her as a crutch. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and do a little snuggling.

He supposed that would come in time.

She opened the door and held it with her shoulder while they limped through together.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of talking to the pastor. I know from past experience that he likes to do four weeks of marriage counseling before he marries anyone. I... I didn’t want to wait that long.”

“No. Not if the children need a home now.”

“Exactly. And Lark just said that their grandmother just got an offer on her house, and she’s moving to an assisted care facility. We have a month, maybe two, but I don’t think it’s going to take that long.”

“I’m good with your timeframe,” he said, meaning it.

They were almost at the restroom.

“So the pastor’s coming out to eat supper, and then he’s going to do marriage counseling with us this evening. If that’s okay?”

He stumbled a little and put more weight than what he intended on her shoulders. “Tonight?”

“I can cancel if it’s a problem.”

“No. I just... I guess that makes it real.”

“Yes. I’m sorry if that’s pushing it too hard, we can totally reschedule. In fact, let me do that. I would have talked to you about it first, but I left without getting your phone number.”

“I guess that’s what happens when you get shot and engaged on the same day. Your mind just doesn’t think about things like actually being in touch with your fiancée.”

“Seriously? Are you going to use that as an excuse?”

“You know, if I had been the one to shoot you, I would be feeling remorse right now.”

“You are! You’re going to be using this for the next twenty years. Everything bad that ever happens will be the result of the fact that I shot you!”

“Well, it is a pretty traumatic experience. And I think twenty years might be a little bit on the low side. I’m aiming for at least fifty. I think we could probably make seventy if you’ve got good genes. Do you?”

She laughed. “I think I might die of stress. Being engaged to you is harder than I anticipated.”

“Hopefully there will be some benefits to make up for that,” he said, and he didn’t wink at her, but he wanted to.

She raised her brows. “Benefits? I’m interested.”

“Well, I’ve never been told that I’m a good kisser, but I’m willing to practice until my fiancée thinks I’m talented in that area.”

“Willing to practice? Interesting. I wonder who you’d be practicing on?” she said as he stumbled into the bathroom, and before he could answer, she closed the door on him.

That was probably just as well. He basically just admitted to her that he was looking forward to kissing her. Which was the honest-to-goodness truth, but maybe he shouldn’t have said it so boldly. He was going to try not to be pushy. So much for that idea.
