Page 41 of Knot Your Past

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“A little anticipation never killed anyone.”


Dancing with eight men was not the easiest thing in the world to do but I loved every fucking second of it.

Isaac and Amos were currently grinding against me, Isaac in front with my hands on his chest, Amos behind me with his hands resting on my hips. They were matching my movements as a fast-paced rock song played. The band was loud and the crowd was thriving on the high energy.

I was also dripping wet.

We’d changed partners several times at this point and I was fairly sure that every single one of them was hard for me. I'd never felt sexier in my life. The fact that I could bring eight men to this point was empowering.

"Our turn," Sawyer demanded. He and Colt stepped in, pulling Jackson with them. This time, I was dancing with three of them surrounding me, creating a barrier around me so no one else could reach me.

"Fuck, watching you out here is killing me," Colt groaned. His hand trailed down my hip, squeezing my thigh. Sawyer was dancing against my other hip, his cock hard against his jeans and digging into me with each movement he made.

Even Jackson, who was dancing awkwardly at first, was getting into it now. He let the music take over and followed our lead. I loved how open he was to trying things, even if they failed like the ferris wheel.

Moving closer, I pulled Jackson down into a kiss, my tongue teasing his as I pulled the band from his hair so I could tangle my fingers in it. He didn't protest, his hair curtaining around us. His smile was easy when I pulled away.

"I like this look," I said.

"Somehow you always stop me from letting my head get the best of me. I feel like a new man," he breathed out.

"Good job," Sawyer said, his tongue flicking out and tracing over Jackson's ear as he praised the beta. Jackson's eyes closed and he shuddered against Sawyer's teasing.

"Well, that's it for me, someone better fucking take me home now," I said, fanning myself. Need was already coiling in my stomach and pulsing through me. I was so wet that I knew my jeans were soaked.

That was all they needed to pull me off the dance floor. The others didn't question as they closed around us, our group heading through the crowd to our cars.

The drive to the hotel was painful. The tension was so high between all of us that I could barely breathe. My body was on fire and I was writhing in my seat.

If I wasn't so lucid, I would question if it was heat hitting me. Instead, our bond was just demanding, snapping into place. Fate was not subtle in the least.

Amos took care of checking us into the suite. We had nothing with us but the clothes on our backs but I didn’t give a single fuck as long as they took me upstairs.

If I thought the car was painful it had nothing on the elevator ride, with all nine of us crammed in together as it rose to the fourth floor.

When we stepped up, Isaac swept me up, a hand under my ass as he forced me to wrap my legs around him.

My laughter was cut off as his mouth claimed mine, a possessive purr echoing from his chest. Damn, if it wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced.

There was no time for thinking or wondering how nine of us could have sex. Instead, I was swept into the room and sat on my feet.

Colt and Silas stepped up, peeling off my clothes one by one as the rest of my pack stripped out of theirs. I wasn’t sure who to look at first, every single one of them was delicious, hard, and thick.

RIP to my pussy.

“I want her first,” Isaac practically pleaded. When no one protested he picked me up again and threw me on one of the beds. Colt and Vince came with us, settling on either side of me while Isaac moved between my legs. “Get her ready for me.”

His demand was punctuated by licking a stripe up my wet pussy, tasting every inch of me. Colt chuckled before he bent down and latched onto my breast, his hand kneading the other while Vince claimed my lips.

It was hard to concentrate on one thing while Isaac was eating me out, licking, biting, and sucking at my pussy so I could barely hold it together.

Colt bit down on my nipple before soothing it with his tongue, a jolt of electric heat surging through my body and making a fresh wave of slick fill Isaac’s mouth. He hummed in appreciation.

“Touch me,” Vince pleaded, guiding my hand to his cock while only breaking the kiss for a moment. My fingers squeezed at him before I started moving my hand over him, his soft groans muffled by our mouths.

When Isaac clamped his mouth around my clit and sucked hard, I broke away, gasping for air and crying out as my orgasm slammed through me with enough force my vision blurred. My thighs clamped around the alpha as he continued to finger fuck me through it.
