Page 131 of The Duchess Effect

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Celestial Bedroom.

Dread left a sour taste in his mouth. “Where’s Margery?”

“Mrs. Shephard was already consulted, sir. She requested your assistance as soon as you returned home. She said it was rather urgent.”

Are you going to avoid an entire wing of your house because the memories of Dani are too painful?

Of course not. With time—

It’s been a month.

Thirty days of expecting her to walk through the door at any moment. Of knowing she got his gift and hoping she understood its message. Of fighting the instinct to fly to America to see for himself. Of rounding a corner and encountering a scent, a sight, or a sound that reminded him of her. Of being flooded with despair as each day ended like the one before.

Without Dani.

It was time to move on.

And the first healing step should involve returning to the scene of the crime, so to speak.

Taking a deep breath, he headed up the grand staircase and across the walkway that led to the east wing. The closer he got to the bathroom—her bathroom—the more his steps slowed. He paused just outside the door, leaning his forehead on the smooth panels and placing his hand on the knob.

Frothy lather sliding down one shapely raised leg—

“Did you just throw your sponge at me?”

“You needed to cool the fuck down.”

“Can I taste you?”

Swallowing past the boulder lodged in his throat, he went in.

“Margery? Ellis said—”

Shock wrenched the breath from his body, and he blinked, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Dani sat on the blue tufted bench on the far side of the room.

The bench where they’d first made love.

Heat spread through him as his heart pounded, his blood roared, and everything within him jolted back to life.


“Hi,” she said softly.

She wore a long, hooded dress in bright blue and her crossed legs afforded him a view of her white trainers. Her hair was a riot of dark brown and blond curls that tumbled over her shoulders.

She was a delectable visual treat.

But he didn’t dare move. Not yet.

Not until he knew for certain.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, trying to force his burgeoning hope back in the box.

She uncrossed her legs and sat forward, her hands curling around the edge of the cushion. “I came to see you.”

