Page 11 of Kade

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He winked at her. “Wasn’t really a hardship on my part, Princess.”

Squeezing her thighs again, she remembered that she still needed to use the bathroom and scrambled to try to get out of bed. He tightened his arm around her, not letting her move. “Where are you going?”

Giggling, she brought her hands to her face, trying to hide how flushed he was making her. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Lifting his arm off of her, he chuckled. “Okay, go potty. Don’t want you having an accident, although Daddies have ways of dealing with that if needed.”

Letting out a small squeak, she practically flung herself off the bed and hurried to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what he meant by having ways of dealing with accidents. After using the toilet, she washed her hands and opened the top drawer, hoping to find a tube of toothpaste since hers was in the other bathroom from the night before. Score. Grabbing the tube, she squirted some onto her finger and did the best job she could of finger-brushing her teeth so she wouldn’t have morning breath if he got close to her.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Kade was nowhere to be seen. She went to her bag and found some clean panties, a bra, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a black band T-shirt, then grabbed her makeup bag and went back into the bathroom.

Just as she was pulling her pajama shorts down her legs, Kade walked in, making her scream and lose her balance. Before she hit the floor, he rushed in and grabbed her, swooping her up off her feet.

“Kade! I was changing.”

He shrugged. “So? You’ve seen me without a shirt.”

Biting her bottom lip, she lowered her gaze to his naked chest and then looked up at him again. He grinned at her and set her down on her feet. “Why are you changing?”

“Because it’s daytime and I’m in my pajamas.”

Leaning a hip against the bathroom counter, he crossed his thick arms over his chest. “We aren’t going anywhere. Stay in your pajamas.”

She grinned. “You just like seeing me in pink.”

Chuckling, he nodded. “I do. But I like seeing you in all black too. You’re adorable both ways.”

Her cheeks turned pink. “Flirt.”

He studied her for a long moment, and she knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

“I want to tell Steele about what’s going on. I know you don’t want your dad to find out, and I promise he won’t, but if there is someone threatening you, it could be a threat to the club, and there are other women and Littles associated with the club that need to be protected. You know you can trust Steele too.”

Crap. He was right and she’d never be able to forgive herself if another woman got hurt because she didn’t want anyone to know about her Little side. It wasn’t as if Steele wouldn’t understand. He was a Daddy too and he had a Little girl of his own who Remi adored. Letting out a sigh, she nodded. “Okay.”



He left Remi in the bathroom to change while he sent Steele a text, asking him to come by. Going to the compound wasn’t an option since Rock would most likely be there and have questions as to why the two of them were showing up together.

When she came into the living room, she was dressed in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a black band T-shirt, and she had her usual black winged eyeliner on, accentuating her dark eyes. Her long black hair was straightened and hanging loose around her shoulders. It was a drastic transformation from the woman he’d seen a few minutes ago, but she was still just as perfect. She had her sketchbook in one hand and she seemed nervous as she looked around the room.

“Steele is on his way.”

She nodded and sat down on the couch, pulling her feet up under her. He watched as she opened the sketchbook and started drawing, pausing every few seconds to examine what she’d drawn and then erase what she didn’t want.

Leaving her to continue her sketch, he went into his bedroom, pulled the photos and letters from the pocket of his cut, and took them out to the kitchen, laying them out on the center island just as there was a knock at the door.

Pulling his gun from the back of his jeans, he went to the door and looked out the peephole before tucking his gun away. Opening the door, he nodded to Steele and then smiled down at Ivy, who was bouncing on her toes.

“Hey, Ivy.”

The Little girl beamed up at him. “Hey, Kade.”

Steele and Ivy stared up at him expectantly, and he knew they were waiting for him to invite them inside. “Before you come in, you should know that Remi is here.”

Ivy squealed, bending to the side to try to look around him while Steele’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
