Page 35 of Kade

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She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re silly.”

“I’m never letting you go, Remi.”

“Good. Because I don’t want you to.”

Well, thank fuck for that because he would walk her down the aisle tomorrow if he could. Except there was the whole situation of her dad not even knowing yet. That was a slight problem, but one thing at a time. The more important thing at the moment was figuring out who the fuck was messing with his girl.

“Does this mean we get to have sex now?” she asked.

“Not right now, no. But maybe tonight. We’ll see how you’re feeling after work.”

Letting out a long dramatic sigh, she rolled her eyes. “So mean.”

Shaking his head, Kade set her on her feet and swatted her bottom, making her squeal. “I’ll show you mean.”

Raising his eyebrows, he started growling at her. She giggled and took off running with him right at her heels. He could have easily caught her. Her short little legs couldn’t outrun him, but the chase was fun and she was giggling the entire time. When she got to the bedroom and jumped on the bed, he tackled her and started tickling her all over, making her scream out and cry for mercy.

“Wait! I’m gonna pee!”

He stopped the tickling and snatched her up from the bed to take her into the bathroom. Once they were there, he set her down in front of the toilet. “Go pee.”

She was dressed in all black again for work, and even though they’d been playing around, she wasn’t in her Little headspace, which he realized meant she wasn’t quite as carefree about peeing in front of him. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he waited.

“Kade, I need privacy,” she murmured.

Raising an eyebrow, he stepped forward and clasped her chin between his fingers. “No privacy between us. Not when you’re Little and not when you’re big. And my name is Daddy. All the time. Understand?”

Her eyes sparkled, and he knew she liked it when he corrected her on his name. She liked calling him Daddy as much as he liked hearing her call him that.

“I need to go brief the guys that are going to work with you, so I’ll give you privacy this once, but don’t expect it again.”

She nodded. “’Kay.”

Maybe her Little was skimming the surface, which was just fine with him. He liked seeing her teeter in between the two. Both sides of her were adorable.

Leaving the apartment, he went out to the community room where two more seasoned prospects stood waiting. “Don’t fucking leave the bar. If you notice anyone flirting with her, I want photos of the person and a name if possible. Anything happens to her, it’s on your head. Got me?”

Both men nodded. Kade liked them. They were close to making it into the club. But when it came to his Little girl, he didn’t fuck around.

“If anything seems sketchy, you call me first and then call Storm and have him deploy people to The Hangout. And if something does seem sketchy, you get her secured somewhere where no one else can get to her.”

Ink, the older of the two, nodded. “Don’t worry, Kade. We will protect your girl with our lives.”

After what he’d gone through with one of the last prospects who’d gotten kicked out of the club when Kade found out he’d been hitting his woman, he didn’t think he’d ever trust anyone new to the club again. The prospect, Caspian, had tried to play the whole thing off as an accident, but they didn’t buy his excuses. Abusing a woman was never an accident.

He trusted both Ink and Breaker, though. They were close to being voted into the club permanently, and both men deserved it. They’d shown their loyalty, and Kade already considered them his brothers. He’d still kick their asses if they let anything happen to Remi.

Nodding, he slapped the man on the shoulder. “Thanks, Ink. I’ll check in with you guys throughout the day.”

Remi appeared beside him with her backpack purse hanging over her shoulder. Even though he’d seen her in nothing but black for the past ten years, now that he’d seen her in pink for the last several days, it was kind of strange seeing her in black again. She looked just as beautiful, though, in her black, skin-tight ripped jeans, a black band tee, and black combat boots. She looked like a girl that could kick anyone’s ass despite being so small.

Looking down at her, he pinned her with a stern look. “If Ink or Breaker give you an instruction, you follow it or you’ll be one sorry Little girl. Understood?”

She glanced nervously at the prospects and then up at Kade before she nodded. He didn’t want to be a dick, but he also needed her to understand that he wasn’t fucking around when it came to her safety. If he had to paddle her ass to get her to obey when he or one of the guys gave her a safety order, he would do just that.

“Good girl. Keep your phone in your back pocket at all times and check in with me throughout the day. I’ll check in with you and the guys too. Okay?”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said so quietly that only he could hear.
