Page 41 of Kade

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Now that I know what you are, I can’t wait to make you mine. Your MC boyfriend will be gone soon enough and I’ll take his place as your Daddy. It’s only a matter of time before you become mine. All mine. See you soon.

“What the fuck!” Kade roared.

Thank goodness the apartments were all soundproofed. He was about to lose his shit, and he didn’t want Remi to hear him or for Rock to find out.

“We looked at the surveillance footage of the gate and it was the black truck that pulled up but the guy had on a hood and a face mask so we couldn’t see anything,” Storm explained.

Kade started pacing. “Who the fuck is this psycho? He knows she’s Little and that she’s with me, which means he could have been at the bar yesterday.”

Steele shrugged. “He could’ve but he also might have seen you and her coming out of her apartment together. We have no way of knowing.”

“We need to take this letter to the police and have them see if there are any fingerprints on it that aren’t ours. The other letters didn’t have threats but this one definitely does, so we can file a stalking report,” Storm explained.

Kade continued to pace for several minutes, raking his fingers through his long hair. Remi would be terrified if he showed her this letter. But how could he keep it from her? He couldn’t. She needed to know. Fuck.

“Whoever is sending these letters is dead,” he muttered before he left the apartment to go find Remi.



Pancakes were quickly becoming her favorite. Especially the pancakes Bear made. He always made them in different animal shapes. And having them for dinner made them even more fun. Gobbling down the last bite on her plate, she turned with a full mouth to look at Kade as he walked into the room, but as soon as she saw him, she knew something was wrong.

Not wanting to alarm her dad, who was grimacing as he took a bite of the chicken he was eating, she stood from her chair and met Kade halfway across the room.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered as he wrapped his arm around her to pull her into his chest.

He dipped his head down so his mouth was near her ear. “I need to talk to you in private.”

She looked up at him to find him smiling down at her, but she knew Kade well enough to know it was a fake smile.

“Your hands are sticky, Princess. Go to the bathroom and wash them.”

Her hands weren’t sticky. She’d used a fork and a napkin. He was trying to get her out of the room. Nodding, she looked down at her hands and giggled and then started skipping to their apartment, hoping her dad wouldn’t catch on to their terrible acting.

Kade followed her and closed the apartment door behind him, locking it, even though he really didn’t need to. No one entered other people’s apartments without being invited. It was a club rule.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

When he pulled an envelope out of his pocket, her blood ran cold, and she instantly started shaking as she reached for it. He hesitated briefly before releasing it to her.

As she read the scribbled writing, she felt as though she was going to throw up.

Kade stepped closer to her. “It was on the gate this morning. Surveillance couldn’t see who it was.”

Her mind reeled.Doll.That felt familiar. Someone called her that occasionally, but her mind was spinning so fast, she couldn’t remember who or when it was.

“T-they… they’re threatening to kill you!” she said, her voice getting higher with each word.

Looking up at Kade, she started crying. He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, but her knees buckled so he scooped her up and carried her to the couch, sitting down with her on his lap.

“No one is going to hurt me, baby. No one is going to hurt you either.”

But they could. No one was indestructible. Even Kade. And he was the toughest guy she knew. “I don’t understand why they’re doing this. I don’t even have a clue who it is. I feel like I’ve heard someone call me doll before, but it could have been some random person at the bar. But this letter, it’s sick. It’s like they think I’m a possession that they can just take.”

She was freaking out. Not only was someone stalking her, but now they were making threats to the person she loved.

Kade stroked her back. “Look at me, Remi. No one is going to hurt either of us. At some point, this person is going to slip up, and we’ll find him. We’re going to turn this letter in to the police department to search for fingerprints since this fucker is actually making threats this time.”
