Page 124 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Create spreadsheets for all these documents,” he ordered. “Then email them to me, your brother, and his assistant by the end of the day.”

“Why can’t Terrence’s assistant do this?”

“He’s out of town, assisting Terrence.”

“He? Terrence has a male secretary now?” Tiera chuckled.

“He has an assistant.”

“Same thing.” Smiling, Tiera leaned back in her seat. “So, Vivian finally got rid of the chick who had a crush on Terrence. Good for her.”

“If you came around more, you’d know Kenneth has been Terrence’s assistant for two years.”

“What goes on here isn’t my business,” Tiera told him.

There was that tick in his jaw again. He really needed to get that checked out.

“Get to work,” he ordered. “You’ll only be here for two weeks.”

Tiera rolled her eyes as he stalked away from her desk. She watched him enter his office and slam the door behind him. Bastard. She’d only been there two hours. The first hour and a half was HR stuff. As soon as she made it to her desk, he began tormenting her. Every order ended with, you’ll only be here for two weeks.

As if she needed a reminder. She had it marked on her calendar with a big red star. Tiera grabbed a file and opened it. Sighing, she went to work, completing her tasks. Since she’d brought food with her, she worked through lunch while snacking on a bag of chips. When her boss came out of his office and saw her snacking, he went in on her again.

“No eating in the office. Did you not read the rule book?”

Gritting her teeth, she returned her chips to her purse. His gaze landed on her desktop calendar. There was that jaw tick again. His glare returned to her.

“Are you done with those files?” he asked.

“Does it look like I’m done?”

“It looks like you’re taking your time to do something that should’ve been done by now. Hurry up. You’ll only be here for two weeks. Don’t spend the entire time on one task.” He stalked over to the exit.

“Where are you going?” Tiera asked.

“I don’t answer to you.”

“As your secretary, I need to know in case someone calls.”

He stopped and stared over his shoulder. “It’s noon. Where do you think I’m going?”

Before she could reply, he left the office. If she gritted her teeth any harder, they’d turn into dust by the end of the day. This was why his rude ass couldn’t keep a secretary. Her work phone rang. She answered. It was Caleb.

“If a guy name Dean Collins or a guy name Dimir Gusev calls, forward the calls to my cell.”


“I’ve told you twice the proper way to address me as my secretary.”

Closing her eyes, she prayed for patience. “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” He ended the call.

That rat bastard slick motherfucker!

Opening her eyes, Tiera slammed the phone down so hard she was surprised it didn’t break. She went back to working on the spreadsheets and snacking on her chips. When she received calls from the two men Caleb mentioned, she was tempted not to forward them to his cell. However, after swallowing down her anger, she’d done the right thing. The next time the phone rang, it was Vivian checking in on her.

“Caleb isn’t dead, right?” Vivian joked.
