Page 125 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Not yet. He’s gone to lunch.”

“Are you with him?”

“Why would I be with him?” Tiera frowned. She’d rather eat rusty nails.

“Tiera! You’re there to keep an eye on him. How can you do that if you let him run off by himself?”

Damn it! “You didn’t say I had to go to lunch with him.” Tiera grabbed her purse.

“I said I needed you to keep an eye on him. At this moment, your eyes are not on him. Hurry up and find him before he gets into more trouble. And be on the lookout for press or any randoms with cameras.”

“Okay. Okay.” Just as she hung the phone up, the door to the office opened. In stepped her boss.

“Where are you going?” he asked. “Lunch is over. If you didn’t eat, that’s on you.”

She returned her purse to the desk drawer. “Vivian just called. She yelled at me because I didn’t go to lunch with you.”

He shrugged. “You saw me leaving and just sat there.”

Don’t stab him with a pen, Tiera. You’re not a murderer. You won’t fare well in prison.

Forcing a smile, she replied. “Next time, I’ll make sure I don’t just sit here.”

“It’s fine. I’ll be eating lunch in the designated lunch area from now on.” He headed for his office. “Hold my calls for the rest of the afternoon, and don’t disturb me unless it’s important. I’ll be busy.”


He stopped. Without looking back, he asked, “Is that the proper way to respond to your boss?”

Perhaps she could stab him just a little bit. Like, maybe in his right middle toe. No one needed their right middle toe.

“Yes… sir,” Tiera forced through clenched teeth.

“Good girl.”

“Is that any way to talk to your secretary?” she yelled. He continued forward. “I’m a woman. Not a girl.”

He closed his office door. She plopped down in her seat. Her gaze drifted to the time and date on the lower right corner of her computer screen. How the hell was it still Monday?


Caleb entered his office.

After closing and locking the door behind him, he shrugged out of his blazer as he approached his desk. He hung the coat on the corner rack, then sat down to log into his computer. He pulled up the files his private investigator, Dean Collins, had sent him. As he clicked through the images, he pulled his cell out and called Dean.

“Hello,” Dean answered.

“I’m back in my office. I can talk now.”

“Did you get my files?” Dean asked.

“I’m looking at the photos now. Because of the hoodie, I can’t get a clear look at the man’s face.”

“My guy tried to get a better image. But the man, or woman, kept their head down. And the car they’re in has tinted windows. They don’t go near your mother’s house, or her neighbor’s during the day hours. But at least three nights last week, they rode by after dark. One night, they parked across the street and stayed there for an hour.”

Caleb inhaled deeply. He wanted to know who this bastard was. When he found him, he would show him no mercy. The bastard coming after him was one thing. But going after his mother and Terrence’s mother was something else. It was something Caleb wouldn’t put up with.

“I saw someone in this same hoodie when I was shopping with a friend yesterday,” Caleb told Dean. “I wanted to go after him, but I couldn’t leave her side. When the person realized I’d seen him, he left. I also saw this same person while I was out for lunch today.”
