Page 390 of Dangerous as Sin

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He stepped out of the weird box, stood right in front of me, and without a second of hesitation, he picked me up by the back of my knees and swung me over his shoulders. Like a sack of grain.

My instinct was to kick, but I was too stunned by the firmness of the ass staring right at me, all toned inside his fancy pants.

Once we were inside the metal box, he put me down. The urge to run out was so strong I made to get out before the doors shut, but he put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t be afraid, my little creature.”

He pressed another button, and the box suddenly came alive with a jolt. I yelped, holding on to the lapel of his jacket as if he was my lifeline. When I realized what I was doing, I looked up at him. I found him staring right down at me, his gaze dark and dangerous in the way I felt between my legs.

I glared at him before letting go and quickly latching onto the railing on the wall of the crazy box. Suddenly there was a pinging sound and the thing stopped its ascent.

One second later, the doors opened to a large foyer. He stepped out and walked right past me and into an amazing space.

I quickly stepped out, glad to be away from the box, my eyes taking in the foyer and high ceilings. It was elegant and very masculine in all grays, whites, and black.

We walked down a wide hallway much wider than the one in the dungeon or any bedroom I’d been in. We stopped in front of a door, and with a wave of his hand, it opened.

It was impressive. I’d met many people with magical powers. Mostly angels, as I didn’t hang out demons. Until now.

We stepped into a much larger area with even higher ceilings. The opposite wall was more like one giant continuous window. You could see the Raetian city in all its splendor. My mouth dropped open, and like a moth to a flame, I walked straight to the window. Beautiful stone buildings piled on top of each other. The incredible aether-powered trolleys chugging along the streets. A moon in the sky. Blue lights everywhere. It was incredible.

I turned around, finding Reaver taking off his jacket and loosening the neck tie. He was so handsome, but I told myself not to stare. I told myself to keep my gaze elsewhere, but it was hard.

“Sit down.”

“I think I rather stand.”

“I don’t care what you want. Sit.”

Goddess, I wanted to punch him in his ridiculously plump mouth and knock out his beautiful white teeth. “You are such a dick!”

The one-sided smirk was so fucking pretty it made me irate.

“There’s something I have to do.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

Reaver made his way to the panoramic windows and stared out at the city. I turned to do the same, though I was staring at him from my peripheral view. “You will not like it.”

“I haven’t liked anything since the moment you took me, asshole.”

“I’m not sure you fully understand what it is I do for the king.”

I scoffed. “He’s no king.”

He ignored me. “Murmur has tasked me with training you and making sure you know how to please.”

My entire body went rigid, and I turned to face him. “What the fuck does that mean?”

He matched my position, facing me head-on. “It means I need to make sure you know how to fuck.”

Fear made my throat dry up instantly. Sexual servitude. “I will never be a slave.”

“You’re already a slave to your mortal princess.”

“No, I’m there willingly. I get paid. I’m well taken care of and I get to live in a castle, for fuck’s sake.”

He inched closer, and my heart sped up. “You may be there willingly, but you didn’t choose the life you have. You’re there because serving the royal family has been your family legacy for generations. You don’t think I can tell how unfulfilled you are? How much your eyes twinkle with excitement every time I’m around you? Or the way your face beamed looking around the city when you escaped?”
