Page 47 of Blood & Ruin

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Kazu didn’t want to hear this. He knew Grey wasn’t flattering him. He didn’t want to talk about the other side of him, the one he tried to keep complete control over. He refused to consider his vicious reputation; it was why he tried to appear so calm and aloof. But apparently, this was something even he had difficulty with.

“Youwillbe Embyrlyn’s contact,” Grey said, “and since it’s so important to you, you will also inform her of the details of what’s expected of her. That way, if she chooses to give that part of herself away before it’s taken, she has time to do it before it’s too late.”


After getting a lecture of being more careful and a wrap for my hand, I was released from the infirmary. Only a half hour passed, which meant I could return to the locker room and change back into my uniform peacefully. I tried to shake off the emotions brought up during training, but they lingered despite my best efforts.

Once I was fully clothed, I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and stepped out, trying not to move my damaged hand too much. I hoped it would heal by the full moon. I wanted to run freely without any inhibitions, but I wasn’t sure I’d be that lucky. Flexing my fingers tugged my lips into a frown. I wondered if this meant I’d have to sit out the next training session or two. While I wasn’t a huge fan of the class, that was the last thing I wanted since I knew I still had so much to learn.

I wove through the academy, finally reaching my room. Rianne had already come and gone, judging by her mug of coffee sitting on her desk – this mug had golden vines as a design – with steam coming from the top. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to get Lily in the kitchen to give her more creamer for her coffee.

I reveled in the silence, slinging my bag around the back of my chair. Just as I took a seat, there was a gentle knock at my door.

I frowned, glancing over at it. If it was Rianne, she wouldn’t need to knock…unless her hands were filled with books and creamer. Other than that…

I stood up and crossed the room. I was about to curl my left fingers around the knob when a stab of pain reminded me I couldn’t use it as easily as I used to. Switching hands was much better, and a few seconds later, I was looking into the pale blue eyes of Matthyw himself.

I opened my mouth. Words danced on my lips — what was he doing here? Why? What did he want? But they died instantly as his eyes dropped to my hand. Heat flared in his eyes and he stepped inside of the room without waiting for my invitation.

“What happened?” he demanded the second I closed the doors.

“What?” I looked to my hand again, trying to focus on the conversation and not the fact that Matthyw was in my room alone and he brought so much tension with him. “Oh. Training. I just…”

“Training? Who’s your instructor?” He reached out for me, and I knew without him saying anything at all that he wanted to check my hand.

“Um, Chamberly,” I said as I tentatively placed my hand in his. “I think she was assisting Rainey.”

I ignored the warm spark of his touch, the way that same warmth seemed to bubble up in my stomach, causing it to churn over and over like my gut was washing clothes.

His eyes were slits at the name. Clearly, Matthyw didn’t like him though I wasn’t sure as to why and I didn’t have the courage to ask.

“Cunt,” he muttered. “The fact that Grey is havingyoutrain withhim,withher. Sometimes, I wonder if he’s truly lost his senses.”

I wanted to say something witty in response to him, but I found I couldn’t speak. He slowly took the wrap and began to unbind it from my hand until it was flesh upon flesh. There was nothing inhibiting our touch now, and the feel of his rough, callused hands on my soft ones were enough to paralyze me in place.

I should pull my hand away. What if he pushed hard on my bones, crushing them? What if…?

But ever since he came back, he was different.

I couldn’t deny that.

He was…softer. But Matthyw couldn’t be softer. That sounded impossible.

His lips curled into a deeper frown. I couldn’t tell if it was disgust, anger, or a mixture of both. He turned my hand over, watching with narrowed eyes as my pale fingers came into view, my knuckles purple like violets. His fingers dragged along mine, as though he was attempting to soothe them in some magical way.

I sighed without realizing it, hoping it was soft enough where he didn’t hear.

“You should be training with a true warrior,” he said. He tilted his head up until his eyes caught my own. “You’re a princess. You deserve nothing but the best, not some amateur –”

“Chamberly isn’t an amateur,” I pointed out, gently removing my hand from his. I took a step back, trying to put some distance between us. His touch had nearly made me come undone, and I didn’t want to put myself in a vulnerable situation. I knew Matthyw, and he was a warrior, which meant he would take advantage of every and all opportunities that fell into his lap.

“You speak as though you know her.” There was an edge to his voice, one I didn’t understand why it was present.

“She works under Rainey, who happens to be a captain at the academy,” I said, moving to my desk. I slid down in my chair and looked up at him before stretching out my sore legs.

“Another decision I don’t understand.” He followed me to my chair until he stood directly in front of me, looking down at me with narrowed eyes. I didn’t know why he studied me, but there was something about the piercing blue that knotted and unknotted the inside of my stomach. “Why were you at The Tulip last night?”

The question came from nowhere. If I thought I had been blushing before, it was nothing to what my face was currently doing.
