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He chuckled. “That’s all right. I can take her.”

Natalie shook her head against him. “Oh no, you don’t. You just ended one family feud. You’re not starting another.”

“That’s why you’re smarter than me,” he said as he stroked back her hair. She was his perfect happy ending.


One month later…

Natalie stretched in bed, the sound of spring birds chirping outside her window making her smile.

The wedding had come and gone, and she and Ethan had moved to York, where the spring country air had made her feel like she’d come home again. They’d spent countless days in bed, getting to know every part of each other.

It had been wonderful.

But as she reached out her hand to the spot next to her, she found it cold and empty.

Lifting her head, she cracked open her eyes. Where was Ethan?

It wasn’t just that he was gone, he’d clearly been gone for some time. Had he decided to go out to the stable to exercise? Help plant the fields? He’d said he would, but not for a few more weeks at least.

But she’d no more sat up, the blankets tucked around her chest, than the door opened.

Ethan appeared, fully dressed, his face high with color and his hair looking windblown.

He flashed her that smile that always stole her breath as he swept into the room. “Good morning, my lioness.”

She laughed. “Don’t you lose track of all the nicknames?”

He wagged his brows. “Not a chance.” Crossing the room, he set the box he carried on the end of the bed.

“Where have you been and what is that?” She leaned over, peering at box, trying to discern what might be inside.

“It’s a gift for my beautiful bride.”

She scrambled up on her knees as Ethan picked her night rail up off the floor and then reached for her.

Dutifully, she lifted her arms up and he pulled the fabric over her head, somehow managing to touch her breasts several times as he did. She laughed as he kissed her.

“Now”—he pointed at the box—“open it.”

She pulled the top of the box and let out a shrieking gasp. “Ethan!”

Reaching inside, he pulled out not one but two ginger kittens. Two puffs of fur with large eyes and tufted ears, and she took them both from him, burrowing her nose into the pile at once.

“Do you like them?” He sat on the bed next to her, reaching out a hand to give them both a pet.

“I love them,” she answered, feeling a few tears prick at her eyes. “They are beautiful.”

“One is spunky and the other more timid, though she’ll get her legs under her, I’m certain.” He leaned down and kissed not the cats, but her, his lips warm and strong as he brushed her hair back over her shoulder.

“What made you think to get me these?” she asked, setting them in her night rail between her legs.

“When you told my uncle that story about the kitten on the bank, I don’t know, I just thought to myself, my kitten should have a kitten or maybe even two.”

“Oh, Ethan.” She petted them. “They’re perfect.”

“What shall we name them? I have several ideas.”
