Page 129 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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I side-glanced at her.

“Is this where you volunteer to have a go if I don’t step up?Because have at it.He’s more than I can mentally or emotionally take on at the moment.”

She snorted.

“I would love to climb that tree and play Tarzan with his vine, but it’s not swinging my way.It’s swinging yours.And who cares if you’re not mentally or emotionally ready?Would anyone be ready for that level of impalement?”

“You’re ridiculous,” I said.

“You know I’m right.He only has eyes for you.”

“Why are we talking about this?”

“Dick envy mostly,” she said.“And because you’re starting to make things weird.”

I glanced at her again.“Too cozy?”

She snorted.“You really are something.You’re too distant, Andie.We can all see how much he likes you.You don’t tell him ‘no,’ but you’re not telling him yes either.The rest of us have no idea what’s going on with you, so we don’t know how to react when he does stuff like making a special breakfast just because you asked him to.”

“You say thank you.That’s what I did.”

She punched my arm.It was probably meant to be playful but knocked me to the side a little.

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” she said.“You’ve been with us since the beginning.You’ve had our backs, and we’ll keep having yours.If you want him to back off but are too afraid to say the word because of what he means as far as finding a cure goes, tell me.Tell Sid.Tell any of us.We’ll have your back and figure out a way to make things work where you’re not the sacrificial lamb.”

I was touched beyond measure by what she was saying.

“Being the focus of Molev’s attention isn’t a sacrifice, Roni, and I think you know that.He’s kind, almost to a fault, and extremely attractive despite—and because of—his differences.Which aren’t a problem for me, by the way.

“The problem is that we have no idea what’s going to happen one day to the next.And like you’ve pointed out, relationships don’t only distract the people involved but the people around them.None of us can afford distractions.So, I’m fine with Molev’s affection but not ready to reciprocate.He knows how I feel and seems okay with it.”

“I doubt he’s actually okay with it,” Roni said.“But since you have it handled, I’ll tell the rest to stay out of it.”

“Just the rest?What about you?”

“Hell no.Molev’s morning wood after snuggling against your ass demands a cheering section.Speaking of, are there any erogenous zones you’d like me to tell him to pay particular interest to?”

Her banter didn’t fool me.I knew what she was doing.We all had our ways to cope with things when they started to go sideways.And after weeks in a cush, safe house, leaving for the field sure felt like things were tilting the wrong way again.

“I have a better idea.That blonde tonight was giving you some long looks and wasn’t wearing a ring.I’m pretty sure he’d be happy to let you swing his vine any way you wanted if you knocked on his door.”

She made a contemplative sound before shaking her head.

“It wouldn’t be fair to him.No matter what he’s packing, it wouldn’t measure up.I’d rather hold out and play bachelorette with Molev’s friends.He mentioned one of them, and I’m intrigued.”

We rounded the far side of the playground and started back.

“It might take weeks or months to get there,” I commented.

“Yep.With all that build-up, I’ll be climbing some lucky guy like a tree,” she said with a grin.“He won’t know what hit him.”

She talked a big game, but her smile was just a hint too wide.I realized Roni was nervous.It wasn’t a typical emotion for Roni, but I’d seen it once or twice before when a situation challenged her.She liked to be challenged, though, so I wasn’t too worried.At least, not about her.

“How’s Katie been?”I asked, changing the subject.

“She’s crying at night in the bathroom when she thinks I’m sleeping.I think Ted’s death really got to her.”

“Yeah.I think so, too,” I said.“Should she stay here tomorrow?”
