Page 130 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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Roni thought about it for a moment and shook her head.“No.She’s been focused during training and didn’t hesitate at the evac field when Molev freed us.I think she’ll be fine.”

Fine was such a relative term now, but I understood what Roni meant.Katie was hurting a lot, but she wasn’t hurting so badly that she’d crack under pressure.And I agreed.

When we reached the house again, we stretched outside in silence and then went in.Everything was already cleaned up, and no one was lingering in the common spaces.Roni gave me a knowing smirk and shook her head at me.

“Baby,” she mouthed before heading to her own room.

Knowing I had no valid reason to avoid my bed, especially when we were supposed to meet up before dawn, I made my way to the room I shared with Molev.

He wasn’t there.

I took the opportunity to clean up and got into bed mere minutes before he returned.He turned off the light I’d left on for him, and I listened to him undress in the darkness.

I waited for him to settle in next to me before rolling toward him.

“You followed us, didn’t you?”I asked.

He didn’t answer.

“Will you tell me why?”

At first, I didn’t think he would answer that either.When he did start speaking, his voice was a soft rumble.

“In the caves, I let my instincts guide me.In the beginning, before I learned to trust what I felt, I died many deaths.Once I started listening, I died less frequently until this life.

“I trust my instincts, though I don’t always understand them.And they are telling me we are not safe from the infected here.That is why I want to leave tomorrow to see what is happening.The infected have been changing since the beginning.What changes have I missed while here?”

I considered what he was saying.

“Okay,” I said.“Then we’ll stick together from now on.Even on the base.All of us.”

He grunted, and the weight of his arm settled on my waist.

I forced myself to close my eyes and relax.

It wasn’t hard for me to shut down and sleep.But it was hard to get out of bed when Molev shook my shoulder hours later.The relentless training was catching up to me, and the idleness of the prior day let it set in.Everything ached.Not so much that I couldn’t move but enough that I groaned when I sat up.

“What’s wrong?”Molev asked.

“Nothing.Just sore.It’ll work itself out once I start moving around.”

Easing to my feet, I shook out my protesting legs and started stretching.I wasn’t focused on anything beyond loosening up the tight muscles so they wouldn’t slow me down.The palm that skimmed my backside when I was bent over sent a jolt of surprise through me.

Face flushed and heart racing, I spun to face Molev.His eyes locked with mine.

“I know you worry about what the future holds, but don’t.I already know.You and I will be together, Andie.”He gripped my ass and pulled me to him.The moment my feet left the ground, I grabbed his shoulders.

“Like this,” he said, moving one hand from my ass to my leg so he could hook it over his hip.The position settled his engorged length between my legs, and my eyes almost rolled back.

Before I could push those thoughts and urges aside, he cupped the back of my head and kissed me.It was just as hungry and demanding as the day before and swept me into a whirling storm of need that abruptly ended when he pulled back to look at me.

“Nothing will stop this.Not your leaders.Not the infected.Nothing.Do you understand?There is nothing for you to fear.”

I blinked up at him for a moment while my thoughts reorganized themselves.

“Is that your instinct talking?”I asked.

