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“Meeting at housing in five.Spread the word, and hustle up,” I said.They didn’t groan at the news but hurriedly ditched their trays and rushed away.I snagged an apple, something I hadn’t seen in weeks, and bit into it as I headed to the housing.

Roni was at the door to the building and directed me to the room where we were gathering.Most everyone was already there when I entered.Patrick waited for the last person then nodded to close the door.

“After the attack last night, Vance doesn’t have the personnel to stay operational.The survivors we brought in were the first ones they’ve seen in five days.”His gaze swept over us.“Vance’s request for another full platoon was denied, and they are pulling out this afternoon.

“Things are getting bad out there.We know that.We’ve seen bases understaffed or fallen, like Wichita.”

He paused for a moment and rubbed a hand over his hair, the move conveying his frustration and exhaustion.The same things we all felt.

“We have a confirmed sighting of at least one grey to the south,” he said finally.“There may be more.We can wait to see what it will do and potentially risk more lives, or we can head out now and try to make contact.Again.This isn’t a democracy.I’m not asking for a vote.I’m asking for your thoughts on both options, though.”

He looked at Evan first and slowly worked his way around the room.Patrick’s ability to listen was one of his best personality traits.After hearing everyone’s thoughts, he stood.

“I’d like to give you the rest you deserve, but time hasn’t been our friend since the beginning.We roll out in twenty.”

* * *

We searchedthe railcars and found them all empty.The pile of bodies was still there, but the undead that Roland had shot now rested on top—proof that the grey had lingered after we’d left.

We divided into two groups.Eight of us drove the vehicles around to the stone yard’s entrance while the rest went on foot.I doubted they’d find the grey hiding in the piles of stone but knew there were probably buildings or other equipment he could be using.

Cutting the engines by the main building, we divided our numbers again.Two stayed inside the vehicles.Two on top to guard.And four of us went to the main building.

Roland motioned that he’d go in first.Evan, Derek, and I nodded.Hanging back, I watched the area around us and glanced up at William on the MRAP.He caught my gaze and nodded that it was all clear before I went inside the building last.It wasn’t large, but it also wasn’t lit.

It took us less than five minutes to verify it was clear and head back outside.William signaled everything was still fine, so we paired off.Roland and Derek went around the building, and Evan and I headed to the equipment parked nearby.

I didn’t know what kind of machines they were, but they were huge with wide buckets attached to the front.We circled the first one, working together to check above and below.Evan kept his eyes on what lay in front of us, and I watched behind, keeping a safe distance between us to avoid accidents yet close enough not to be separated.

Or so I thought.

The moment we were no longer within sight of the guards, I heard a soft thud behind me.I whirled around but didn’t automatically bring up my weapon, knowing Evan was just beyond the grey, who crouched between us.

With his gaze fixed on me, the grey slowly straightened.The sudden report of gunfire made me wince and duck.For a stunned moment, I couldn’t believe Evan had fired.

The grey’s expression twisted with anger as he stared at me cowering at his feet.He roared, turned, and cuffed Evan upside the head so hard that he flew sideways.His skull cracked against the equipment, and he crumpled to the ground.

My gaze shifted from my unconscious partner to the grey.

He wasn’t looking at Evan but staring at me.His shoulders moved with his deep breath.

“Are you hurt?”he asked.

I shook my head and cautiously straightened, glancing at Evan, who wasn’t yet moving.

Focus on the objective, Andie,I told myself.Make contact.Get him talking.Think of Zion.

“I’m not hurt,” I said.“Molev, right?”


“Are you hurt?”

He blinked at me.

“You remind me of Mya,” he said.

“Who’s Mya?”
