Page 7 of Popping Her Hood

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With Walsh’s question, all eyes are on me, and I barely stop myself from squirming at all the attention even though it’s all positive, reinforced with smiles and welcoming looks. I scurry closer to Walsh’s station and notice Micah isn’t in his space.

When Micah and Ruth got together, he was an apprentice, but that was years ago and now he’s become a sought-after artist with a long waiting list, just like everyone else in the shop. Since Micah left the reception desk, this crew has been through a few people, but they haven’t lasted. Sometimes I’ll even man the front counter, especially during the school year.

“Amelia told me someone’s here to see me?” It comes out as a soft question. The twinkle in Walsh’s eyes tells me he knows who is here to see me. I huff out a breath and give him a look. “Who is it?”

Walsh laughs and shakes his head. “If she didn’t tell you, I’m not going to ruin the surprise,” he teases.

“It was worth a try,” I mumble.

“Better get out there before your younger and less intimidating brother scares him away,” Walsh advises.

My eyes widen because I know he’s talking about Micah and it’s hard to believe he would scare anyone away. He’s a great guy and perfect for Ruth, but he’s not as intimidating as most of the other men in the family.

I turn to walk away from Walsh’s station, but I pause when he says, “If he’s the right man for you and will put you at the center of his world, we’ll stand behind him.” I whip my head around and blink at him, my mouth hanging open. He winks and chuckles, “Just give the man a chance.”

“Uh,” my tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth, “okay.”

Before he can say anything else, I scurry away. I swear I can feel the amusement coming from my family behind me. Yuck it up people.

The moment I step through the doorway that separates the reception area of Banks Ink. and the back, I freeze. Standing there leaning against the raw edge countertop is Theo who doesn’t look at all fazed by Micah scowling at him. I let out a wholly undignified and unladylike squeaking sound which makes me want to crawl into a hole and never come out.

Theo’s gaze swings over to mine and a slow smile takes over his face. He looked serious just a moment ago, but now he looks so much lighter. I couldn’t get a good look at him from the light of his tow truck dashboard, but I can now.

He’s not as broad as some of the guys in my family, but it’s clear his muscles are defined. I’m not sure how tall he is, but I’d guess around 6’1”, which makes me remember how he made me feel dainty as he led me away from my car the other night, but also protected. His hair is dark, almost black, and his beard is trimmed. I take all of him in, but it’s his blue eyes which captivate me.

“Theo?” His name slips from my lips, surprise lacing through the single word. His smile goes from broad to taking over his face and he moves toward me without a single regard to the way Micah is trying to cut him down with his eyes.

“Hey, little beauty,” he murmurs softly when he’s standing right in front of me.

“Is my car done? You could have called. You didn’t have to come down here for that,” it’s clear from my tone that I’m confused as to why Theo, who I haven’t been able to forget since I met him, is standing in front of me.

“I’m not here about your car.” He reaches up and brushes some of my blonde hair back off my shoulder without touching my body. I’m surprised with how much I wish he would touch me. I crave it. Woah. What the fuck is going on here? “I’m here for you, Sarah.”

I blink up at him. “Wh-what?”

“Can I take you out? I’d like to spend some time with you and get to know you.” He lets out a self-deprecating chuckle and shakes his head before looking into the distance. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I hated dropping you off the other night. I’ve never felt that way.” His eyes come back to mine, and I can see the hope there. “I’m not going to ignore what I’m feeling and the need to be close to you. If that’s okay with you, of course.”

“Yes,” the word is a breathy plea and I clear my throat before trying again, “yes. I’d really like that.”

“Good,” he sighs before kissing my forehead. “Can I pick you up tomorrow night? Six?”

“Okay,” I barely force the word past my dry lips.

There’s something in Theo’s eyes. He wants to say so much more, but he stops himself. With a glance at Micah, who he gives a chin lift to, he turns and walks out of the shop. I find myself staring after him, barely believing what just happened.

“He better not hurt my sister, or I’ll kill him,” Micah mumbles and I look at him with wide eyes before laughing.

I’ve never been on a date before. What do I wear? How do I act? Holy guacamole. I’m in trouble.

My feet start moving and I rush back through the tattoo shop and toward the playroom. I know the ladies in there will help me. I have a feeling I’m going to need all the help I can get.



I’m more nervous than I would have thought I’d be as I step out of my house and head toward my truck. I’m tempted to take my Camaro, the one I lovingly restored from rust to like brand new. The only reason I don’t take it this time is the thought of it not being as safe as my truck.

Is that silly? Maybe, but I don’t really care. The thought of her not being protected with every safety feature known to man is more than enough for me to suck up leaving behind my baby tonight. I’ll take her for a drive in it one day, just not today.
