Page 9 of He Found Me

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And the list goes on and on. At the bottom, its states:

Failure to adhere to any of these points will be a violation of the marriage contract and, therefore, will result in legal action.

I feel like I am being set up. This is a prank; it’s got to be. Someone is going to jump out from behind the curtains with a tv camera shouting, “Gotcha!”

I stare at the papers in disbelief. Ok, Katie, do not panic. I need to speak to Leo.

I find Leo in the hallway speaking in Italian to Marco.

“Lei è una responsabilità!”She is a liability!

“Stai mettendo in discussione il mio giudizio?”Are you questioning my judgement?

Good, so Marco obviously doesn’t think this whole charade is a good idea, either.

“Leo? Can I have a moment of your time, please?” Leo frowns.

“My time, Katherine, is a privilege. You have yet to earn your privileges.” Flabbergasted, I stare at him open mouthed. I have no words. So, I change the subject.

“Does this wonderful house have a swimming pool?”

Both men look at me like I have said something ridiculous.


“Well, where is it?”

Marco looks at me furiously.

“At the back of the house.”

“Good, well, if I am stuck here, I may as well make use of the place. I am on holiday after all. My tan needs a top-up. Have a good day, boys. If you need me, I’ll be sunning myself by the pool. Arrivederci!”Bye bye

Oops, I need to be careful not to use Italian around them. I doubt they will think I know more than that, though. Everyone knows how to say hello and goodbye in different languages, don’t they?

The bedroom I’m staying in is huge. Finding an empty wardrobe and some drawers, I unpack my things. Deciding the best thing to do is stay calm and play dumb about the situation. I need to carefully find out all I can about Leo, his life, and why he chose me for an arranged marriage. Marco doesn’t want me here, and Leo seems easy to wind up. So, a little fun along the way won’t go amiss, either.

Changed into my bikini, I look at myself in the mirror. Fitness is what keeps me sane, so I am pretty toned. I must find out if there’s a gym here; the size of this house, I bet there is. My boobs are huge, and this bikini I got last year doesn’t do much to cover them. Oh well. Throwing on a beach dress, I grab my bag with kindle, towel, and suncream to go look for the pool. Walking through the house, I see the kitchen. The smell of fresh bread draws me in. I see a man in a traditional chef uniform mixing something in a bowl; he looks up to greet me.

“Buongiorno!” His bright, smiling face instantly puts me at ease.

“Good Morning”

“Come, come. Let me make you some breakfast.”

“Some coffee would be great, thank you.”

“No, no, no.” he tuts and shakes his head.

I take a seat at the island and watch him arrange pastries and fruit on a tray.

“Alga will serve you in the dining room.” The chef nods to the door, where a middle-aged lady stands with a pleasant smile.

“If it’s ok with you, I’ll just sit here?”

The chef looks at Alga and back to me, a confused look on his face. Alga comes and stands at the side of him and gently pats his arm. I think they may be a couple. Alga nods and smiles at me.

“Of course.” Alga pours me some coffee.
