Page 40 of Bitten By Love

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Mr. Iglesias followed behind. “If you somehow develop even an inkling of doubt about your fiancé, please don’t hesitate to call the number you have. Someone will answer no matter what.”

“How did you know he’s my fiancé?”

“The ring is hard to miss, lovely Petra,” said Mr. Iglesias.

“Now we’re both on first-name terms?” I kept walking ahead of him, eager to get out of this situation.

“If you are in need of a friend who can keep a secret, you know where to find me,” he said and stopped at the building’s entrance.

I, on the other hand, rushed to get out and walked faster toward Gabriel. Once he saw me, Gabriel cut his phone call short and wrapped a hand around my waist. He scrutinized Mr. Iglesias, who did the same in return. They spoke solely with their eyes, and it didn’t seem amicable. Then he turned, and we walked to the parking lot.

“Was this your professor?” Gabriel asked.

“Yes, Mr. Iglesias taught me history,” I said.

“And what did he wish to talk to you about?” he asked.

“Since I’m a history major, he wanted to know what my plans for the future are.” I didn’t know why I lied. It was the first time I did it so blatantly to Gabriel’s face.

“Does he do so with every student of his?”

“Pretty much. I guess he wants to make sure we make something of our degree,” I said.

“And do you want to make something of your degree?” Gabriel asked.

“I always wanted to research Eastern European history and write books about it. At first, I thought I’d advance my knowledge by going to grad school and, who knows, a Ph.D., but I kind of accidentally went straight to the source. I’m not sure I need to study from a book when I’ve experienced it in real life.”

“You might as well sit at a desk and write,” said Gabriel as he unlocked the car.

“I don’t think anyone would believe me without any proof,” I said.

“That might be an easier fix than you think,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I have an entire storage of antiquities from different time periods that could help you justify your theories.”

“How did you come to own all of them?” I had to ask after that obnoxious professor planted a seed of doubt in me.

“It’s curious that you ask of it now. I’ve been collecting art since the beginning of my transformation and never stopped. At first, I thought I would keep them to show you some of my experience, but then it turned into a full-blown collection. I’ll show you more when we go home to Romania.”

“Why do you choose to work when you’ve amassed so much wealth and are king to such a large society?”

“In time, the once tight grips of the kingship have loosened. My brethren have dispersed across the entire globe. Though many dwell in their own secluded communities, as long as they obey my laws, they can live their eternal lives in peace. Whereas locally, Troy usually takes care of most issues. For a while now, my role as king resumed to turning humans into ODs, and other judicial matters. So naturally, one must occupy their time with something.”

“It does seem to occupy a lot of your day-by-day life,” I said.

He chuckled. “Are you by any chance jealous of the attention I give my business? Do not fret, Milady. You are always number one on my list.”

The professor and his department took this all wrong, and I couldn’t blame them. Few would consider the option of someone living for hundreds of years. For a second there, I thought Gabriel might be doing something out of character. Phew. Suddenly, I felt the need to hug this wonderful man. I jumped into his arms, taking him by surprise.

“Why the sudden display of affection?”

“Well, I don’t know. It could be the good weather, or it could be because I was marrying for the second time the most wonderful man in the world.”

The kiss followed immediately. Sometimes, I forgot just how good of a kisser Gabriel was.

