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I narrow my eyes on her. “I’mrealistic.”

Mia’s eyes meet mine, and if it wasn’t her wedding day, I probably would have tried to kiss her. Well, it isn’t anymore.

But before I can lean toward her, she places her hand on the doorknob, opens her door, and steps out.

I furrow my brows as I watch her cross over to the front of the car and lean against it.

I get out and join her. She’s on her phone for the first time since we met. She scrolls through what seems to be dozens—maybe even hundreds—of calls and texts from probably her loved ones wondering where she’s at. As she’s scrolling, a call comes through. I steal a glance at her screen. It’s someone named Ava.

To my surprise, she decides to answer it. “Ava? Um…I’m at…” She turns to me to get a specific address.

“Are you sure?” I mouth.

She nods.

I sigh and look away. I can’t watch her out herself. “3rd and 68th.”

“I’m on 3rd and 68th Street. Right in front of a Key Food. Come alone, okay? And don’t tell anyone I’m here. I’ll see you soon.” She hangs up and stares down at her phone.

“My friend is on her way. You don’t have to stay with me anymore.”

I remove my jacket and toss it around her shoulders.

Her eyes widen, and she peers over at me.

“It’s getting cold,” I say. “I’ll wait with you until she gets here. The driver of the getaway car should never abandon his post.”

We share a laugh before returning our focus to the road straight ahead, waiting in comfortable silence until her friend comes to pick her up. This has got to be the most exciting day I’ve had in a while. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this…alive.

Suddenly, an idea hits me…

I turn to Mia, then peer down at her dress. A gorgeous woman in her twenties who realizes the man she loves and the life she’s created for herself wasn't actually what she wanted. The runaway bride concept hasn’t been done in a long time. And definitely not how I envision it all playing out in my head. No, this idea is fresh. Truly never been done before.

Even though she’s currently off in her own world and not paying attention to me at all, I smirk at her. Without even knowing it, Mia may have just revived my passion for work.

A little red car pulls up in the empty parking space in front of us, and a small woman with shoulder-length brown hair steps out of the driver’s seat. She’s wearing a blue gown that looks exactly like the one I saw when we passed by the church. She must be a part of the wedding party.

“Ava,” Mia says.

“Mia. Are you okay?” Ava says and runs straight for her. Immediately, Mia breaks into tears.

Mia nods, but it’s very apparent that she’s far from okay. Despite their comical height difference, her friend allows Mia to rest her head on her shoulder and have a good cry.

I shift my weight as I stand beside them awkwardly.

“Let’s get you home, okay?” Ava says and attempts to take Mia to her car.

“Wait,” Mia says, stopping her friend in her tracks. “Take me to your place instead.”

Her friend nods. At least she’s supportive.

Mia turns to face me. “Thanks again,” she says. “For everything.”

I rub the back of my neck. “It’s no problem,” I say. “Just get back safe, okay?”

Mia nods, and they both head toward her friend’s car.

“Hey, Mia?” I call out, and she turns around. “You have every right to want more for yourself.”
