Page 61 of Affogato

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Bodhi’s eyes slammed shut as he took it all in. He felt himself start to rock back and forth, and he screamed at his body to stop because that wasn’t sexy. But he couldn’t. He needed it—just for a moment.

When he could look up again, Caleb wasn’t staring at him with disgust or pity or any of those other things that killed the mood. He was just waiting on the edge of the bed with a patience that made Bodhi want to cry. Or maybe laugh.

Hell, both.

Instead, Bodhi reached out and gently took the lube from Caleb’s hand and turned it in his own. He gazed at the label without reading it and allowed himself a moment to envision what it would feel like to have his fingers inside Caleb.

Sweet fucking hell, he wanted that. He wanted to get his fingers soaking wet and feel Caleb fall apart under him. He had no idea what he was doing—he’d never even touched himself that way—but yes.


“Yes.” His fist trembled as he nodded it.

Caleb groaned loud enough for Bodhi to hear as he leaned in and took him by the chin, kissing him again. He used his body to urge Bodhi back against the headboard, and as Bodhi was kissed into compliance, he felt Caleb shifting and moving around.

When they broke apart, he looked down to see that Caleb had taken off his jeans and his thick, red-flushed cock was sitting between them.

Bodhi’s mouth went dry as he touched it. It was hot and silky smooth and throbbing just slightly with the beat of Caleb’s heart. He stroked up, thumbed the head, felt the ripple of Caleb’s quieter moan dance across his skin.

Fingers touched his chin and lifted, and he met Caleb’s gaze only briefly before he was kissed again. The bottle of lube slipped from his hand as he was eased back. And while those kisses threatened to destroy him from the inside out, Caleb’s warm, naked body pressed against his own.

Bodhi didn’t know how to make it work. He didn’t know how to position himself so he could give Caleb everything he was craving, so instead of trying, he laid back to learn. He let Caleb roll them onto their sides and he hooked a leg over Bodhi’s hip. He let Caleb slot their erections together and then pop the lube cap open with his teeth.

One hand lifted Bodhi’s between them, and soon his fingers were covered in cool slick.

“Gently,” Caleb signed. “One finger to start. Then two.”

Bodhi nodded and let Caleb create a gap of space at their hips, then he guided Bodhi’s hand between his legs. It was from there Bodhi managed the rest. He traced a wet touch over Caleb’s heavy balls, then over soft hair before he found what he was looking for.

Bodhi had touched himself there a few times, but it was entirely new to do it to someone else. He felt hesitant, emboldened every time Caleb grunted and pushed down against him, and while Bodhi was petrified of getting it wrong, he knew Caleb would guide him. He trusted him.

That thought was profound. And it was comforting.

And as he met Caleb’s eyes and pushed gently, he realized that this moment—this single space between one breath and the next—was everything.


He feltlike he was on the cusp of losing his mind. He couldn’t fathom that there was a time when he hadn’t wanted Bodhi with every atom of his body and soul, though logically he knew it had only been weeks since he’d allowed himself to admit how he felt. And for all that Bodhi was clearly inexperienced and even slightly afraid, his touch ignited something in Caleb he wasn’t sure he could handle.

It was so much.

It was all-consuming.

It eclipsed every single moment he’d ever had with past lovers.

Bodhi’s careful fingers were inside him—three, stretching him wide and pumping in and out at a rhythm threatening to throw Caleb over the edge and into madness. He wasn’t sure if Bodhi had instinctively known where to reach, but he’d found Caleb’s prostate with unerring accuracy, and his vision was damn-near whited out as he chased his pleasure.

Bodhi’s legs were still wrapped around him, and Caleb thrust himself against the cut of Bodhi’s groin, the friction just on the outside of perfect. He groaned loudly, letting himself go—wild and unbidden and unchecked.

He felt the way Bodhi reacted to his voice, and while normally that would have sent him into silence, he couldn’t have gone quiet even if he’d wanted to. Caleb’s lips parted on a moan. He could feel it tearing at the back of his throat, and he felt Bodhi’s answer him against his chest.

Forcing his eyes open, Caleb locked his gaze on Bodhi’s face. Those dark brown eyes were staring at where their cocks were brushing close together, his expression hungry and almost feral. Caleb understood the feeling all too well.

God help them both when Bodhi was finally ready to be inside him.

For now, this was more than enough.

Tipping his chin up, Caleb rocked his hips harder and mouthed, ‘I’m going to come.’
