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“Oh, this sounds fun. Tell me about it,” I request, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of my wine glass. “Were there alligators? Other people?”

He chuckles as a wistful smile dances on his lips. “It was a magical paradise,” he says. “The lake is nestled in the middle of nowhere, and something about the temperature turns alligators away, so no predators. It’s surrounded by lush greenery and the water’s so clear it’s like a mirror reflecting the beauty surrounding it.”

Hunter takes a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving mine. “You dove into the water, the sunlight dancing on your golden skin, making you appear like a goddess entering her underwater kingdom.”

“Really? That’s a bit cheesy.” I laugh.

“You can’t picture it, but I can close my eyes and see it clear as day. You’re so beautiful it sometimes hurts to look at you,” he tells me, his voice growing husky. His words vibrate all the way through me; a stirring of desire flows through my body.

“When you came up from the water, your top was nowhere to be found,” he says, his eyes tracing down my body as if he can see right through my clothes. My nipples tighten as if he’s touching them and my breathing becomes a little labored. It’s good to feel something other than confusion or fear.

“Did you rescue me?” I ask, my voice husky.

Hunter’s expression grows tender as he reaches out and pushes a strand of my hair away from my eyes. He leaves his fingers resting against my cheek. “Yes, I’ll always rescue you, Jasmine,” he tells me, truth ringing in his words.

“I immediately stripped down to my shorts and jumped into the water. As soon as Ember saw what was going on, she laughed, said something about the water getting too steamy, and then she disappeared. I reached you, wrapped you in my arms, then pulled you into a cove, making it feel like it was just you and me in this big world.”

My heart’s thundering as he continues speaking. I close my eyes and can almost picture the two of us nearly naked in the water, our bodies hot and ready, our mouths close. His words fill me with a deep sense of longing I can’t remember feeling before.

Hunter leans in and brushes his lips against mine. I don’t open my eyes... but I don’t pull away. I think both of us want this, want to feel what we’ve felt before. Was my core this hot the first time we kissed? Was I this eager to strip my clothes away and have him deep inside me? What an incredible moment to feel this... apparently for the second time.

He kisses me again, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip and I sigh and scoot a bit closer to him. The movie and wine are forgotten about... until the wine splashes on my leg. I jump and pull back to see red staining my leg and the couch.

Hunter doesn’t hesitate as he reaches out, grabs the glass, and sets it on the table, one hand staying pressed against my cheek. “I want you so much, Jasmine,” he whispers, sending those butterflies into a frenzy in my stomach.

“I want to remember so badly, Hunter,” I reply, confused and so very hot right now. “I want to recall every moment we had together.”

Hunter brings his other hand back to my waist and holds me, his eyes filled with support and desire. “I’m here right now. I’ll go as slow or as fast as you want,” he promises.

“Kiss me again, Hunter,” I demand. I’m tired of fighting myself.

He doesn’t hesitate as he pulls me into his lap. This time the kiss isn’t soft and gentle. This time the kiss is filled with passion and promises. He kisses me like the lover he is, and I hold on tight, enjoying every second of this beautiful moment.

We kiss and touch and I want more... but I’m not quite ready. This is still new to me, and I’ve never been the girl who jumps right in to sex. Obviously we’ve had sex before, but I don’t remember it. When Hunter feels my hesitation, he pulls back. He doesn’t look disappointed. Instead, he settles back on the couch, pulls me into his arms, then rubs my back as we turn to watch the television.

I close my eyes, restless but also oddly at peace. It doesn’t take long before the comfort of being in Hunter’s arms lulls me into sleep.



I love the scent of a gym. The sounds of weights clinking, and the low hum of conversation is comforting as it echoes through the room. I look around and smile at Ember, my best friend and today’s training partner, as she warms up on the punching bag, sweat glistening on my brow, my eyes sparkling with determination.

“Hey, quit slacking,” Ember says as I stand in place.

I push myself up from the bench with stiffness in my muscles. It’s been a month since I was in that hospital bed, and I’m still too weak. I shake my head to clear my current fog.

Smoke, my trainer and adopted big brother, saunters over to us, his imposing figure rugged, adding to his undeniable charisma. “Are you warmed up?” he asks, a smirk on his lips.

I laugh. “I’m never warmed up enough for you, Smoke. Just remember I was in an accident so have some mercy,” I plead. He’s my friend and more of a big brother, but man can this guy push me to the limit and long past it.

Smoke nods, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Don’t be a wuss, Jazz. We’re going to do some training and fighting today. Ember, are you ready to kick her ass?”

Ember grins, fire in her eyes. She thinks she might have a chance to win today. I’ve always been the toughest between us... but if I’m being honest, she does have a chance. “Bring it on, Smoke. I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life.”

We step onto the training mats, the familiar rush of adrenaline running through my veins. The more I get into my normal routine, the more human I feel. I need to find myself again, and I’ll do whatever it takes to do that.

There isn’t much talking over the next thirty minutes as we punch, kick, and dodge blows, each move bringing me closer to who I truly am. I will find my memories, but if I don’t, I’ll certainly make new ones. We spar and push our bodies to the absolute limit, the sounds of our exertion filling the air.
