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“Man, did I enjoy seeing such a large man cower before your wrath,” I tell her.

She laughs. “I wasn’t laughing at the time, but he did it out of love, so I forgave him.”

“Everyone around you does everything out of love, because you’re worthy of loving.” Her eyes soften as she reaches out and takes my hand. The mood of the night is perfect, the lighting soft, and the sky heavy with clouds, our memories keeping me warm. I love our past together, and I equally love our present. Each moment with Jasmine is a gift.

“Do you think you’ll stay in the FBI?” I ask.

Her brow furrows as she thinks about this. “I don’t know, Hunter. I get so frustrated at my loss of memories. I wonder if this is the direction I still want to go in life. I’m good at my job, but is it still my passion?” she asks.

“No one but you can answer this,” I tell her. “I know you’ll find your way, no matter what path you decide to take.”

“What about you?” she asks.

I shake my head. “It’s up in the air right now. All I know for sure is that I’ll give it all up for you.”

“We could be bums on the beach, surf all day, and play all night,” she tells me, sending desire straight to my groin. There are many games I’d love to play with this woman. The waiting is nearly killing me. The reward will be well worth the wait though.

“We’d get bored being bums. We could travel the world and build houses for the poor.”

Her eyes light up. “I think I’d love that a lot. We could go to Africa and build where Mora is.” It’s the most excitement I’ve seen in her since the accident. Maybe our futures are changing. Nothing’s set in stone.

“We can look at what happened as a tragedy or we can look at it like a fresh start. So many people go through their lives being unhappy or only partially happy. I want to be forever free with you. I had a dream while I was in my own coma, and when I woke up I still thought it was real. We went on adventures together. We did go to Africa, and it was amazing. I’ll literally go to the ends of the world with you and I’ll be happy doing it. I’ll live in a tent if that’s what you want. It took me a long time to realize what true happiness is, but with you I’ve found it. I don’t want you to respond to this, I only want you to know I’ve found my happiness, and I’ll do anything it takes to help you find yours.”

Tears spark in her eyes as she squeezes my fingers. “I agree that we don’t need to focus on what we don’t have control over. I’m not sure what’s coming next, but I have a feeling it will be wonderful. I’m sorry I can’t give you the words you deserve.”

I stop her, holding my finger against her lips. She kisses them and I smile.

“Don’t apologize, Jazz. I want your truth. I want your honesty. I want your happiness. I’ll do everything in my power to help you, butonlyyou, and you alone, can know your emotions. I can’t force them on you. I wouldn’t want to do that. You wouldn’t have fallen for me if I was the type of man to expect that. We’ll live new adventures together and see what happens.”

I want to change the tone of our conversation so a twinkle appears in my eyes as I lean forward. “You know what? I have a brilliant idea,” I tell her.

She gives me a suspicious look. “What is that?”

“We can become synchronized swimmers.” I say it as seriously as I can manage.

Jasmine bursts into laughter. “With my klutziness?”

I shrug. “Those are minor details. We can be the most unsynchronized synchronized swimmers ever,” I suggest. “We can have dramatic falls, underwater aerobics gone wild, and definitely do belly flops. It will be pure magic that people will come from near and far to witness.”

She giggles. “Hmm, maybe that’s out, but we could start our own detective agency. We can solve crimes in style, of course, since I love clothes.”

“Oh, now you’re thinking. We make great detectives already. We’d have to have a super catchy name though to beat out the competition.”

She leans back as she puts some real thought into this. I pour more wine and we drink as we think of names. She finally snaps her fingers and smiles. “I’ve got it, Clueless Investigators Incorporated. CII.”

“That works! We can bring in all of the Special Ops guys and really have fun. I want to see Smoke in a dress on a corner. Have you seen that music video by Toby Keith?”

She laughs as she pictures the Beer for My Horse video. It was pretty humorous. It feels good to lighten the mood. “We’ll be the most unintentionally successful detectives in the history of detectives. We’ll even have a motto of,we’ll eventually stumble upon the truth.”

In this beautiful moment the weight of uncertainty lifts, and we revel in the power of laughter, love, and a bright future. We raise our glasses and toast. I stand as the storm clouds gather high above. Droplets start falling but nothing will stop me from pulling her into my arms.

This isn’t a replica of our past date... it’s better. Rain falls as music plays and waves crash against the shore and we dance. We don’t care about anything other than being in each other’s arms. Our bodies move in perfect synchrony, the music guiding our steps as we become drenched.

With each spin, each point of contact between our bodies, our love grows. She might not realize it, but she’s falling in love with me again. My love has never wavered. I hold her closer, our hearts beating as one, the storm mirroring the intensity of our emotions.

Unable to wait another second longer, I cup Jasmine’s face in my hands and kiss her with all of the building passion within me, the heat nearly scorching us both as the rain pours over us. And I’m right where I need to be with the woman I’ll spend the rest of my life with.

