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“Are you okay?” a large man asks as he runs up to me. I laugh as I smile at him.

“More than okay,” I say. “I think you should be asking this guy ifhe’salright,” I add with a wink.

The man looks at me, then the criminal on the ground, then back at me, respect in his eyes. “Tell me you’re single,” he practically begs, and I throw my head back and laugh.

“Nope, I’m very taken,” I say.

“Yeah, I figured as much,” he says with an exaggerated pout. “That was far too badass for you not to be chased on a regular basis.”

“Oh, I can be a royal pain in the butt. I’m not quite sure why my boyfriend finds me so fascinating.”

“Take it from me, that man is a fool if he doesn’t worship the ground you walk on.”

“Well, you’re sure good for my ego.” The man below my feet starts to wiggle and I push my foot into him a little harder as I send him a stern look. “Stay down if you know what’s good for you.” He stops struggling.

“I’m Tony. If your boyfriend is ever a fool, call me,” Tony says as he holds out a business card. I shake my head.

“I appreciate it, Tony, but trust me, I’m well and truly taken.” I want to say I’m in love, but I’m still hesitating with that word. It’s insane that I am, and I should kick myself for it, but I do what I can for now.

Two policemen approach, looking confused as they see me with my foot on the man on the ground, and the large guy standing near me. They take in the scene before approaching.

“We got a call,” one officer says.

“Yep, this guy tried to take my purse. I handled it,” I say. I give them a brilliant smile. “I’m Jasmine Anderson with the FBI, though I’m on medical leave right now,” I add, letting them know I’m in the law enforcement business.

“Ah, okay, that makes a little more sense,” the other officer says, relaxing his shoulder.

“Hey, I was tough before I became FBI,” I tell them. I’m not offended. Most people underestimate me because I’m a small woman. I don’t mind. It makes it so much more fun to shock them with how extremely capable I am.

The two officers take the man below my foot and handcuff him just as Hunter comes running up to us. He takes in the scene then throws back his head and laughs. He’s already assessed exactly what happened.

“He tried to rob you, didn’t he?” Hunter asks, not at all worried.

“Yeah, idiot even pulled a knife,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

“If only he’d known who he was up against,” Hunter says.

“Ah,you’rethe boyfriend,” Tony says. “I tried to steal your girl, but she showed no interest.” I watch emotion flicker through Hunter’s gaze. There’s a small bit of anger, but it washes away. He knows who I am and who he is. There’s no way someone can steal me away.

“She’s tempting,” Hunter says. He then moves a little closer to me, a definite show of possession. Shockingly I like it... a lot.

The perp, who’s now secured by the policemen, starts screaming. “This bitch attacked me for no reason. She messed me up. I want her arrested,” he shouts.

There are several chuckles from passersby who saw the whole incident. The officers briefly glance at the perp, then back at me, then at the crowd. They give a sigh.

“Well, since we have two stories here, we better take statements,” one officer says.

“No problem,” I tell them, more than willing to cooperate. I don’t need to make it tougher on them. Besides, it’s a beautiful day and we’re on the beach. I don’t mind having a chat with fellow law enforcement buddies.

One officer stays with the perp and the crowd as the other officer leads me a few feet away from the scene. He pulls out a notepad and pen. “Can you tell me exactly what happened?”

I start from the beginning, most likely sharing a bit too much information. I let him know the man tried to take my purse, that I pushed him back, then he pulled a knife. I also make him aware that I’m a black belt in judo and jujitsu, that I’ve been doing martial arts for ten years.

“I used an ippon seoi nage then a harai goshi, and a few kicks. I took him down and offered for him to stay down. He chose to get back up,” I finish with a shrug. “He was done after a kick to his head. I did nothing that wasn’t in self-defense.”

“Are you sure about that?” the officer asks.

“I might’ve pissed him off by smiling a bit too much,” I admit. The cop tries to keep a straight face... and fails.
