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“My sister and I stood in awe, realizing we’d stumbled on something so few in this world will ever see. It was so beautiful, others can’t even imagine it. We spent at least an hour there marveling at the waterfall, feeling the spray misting our flushed cheeks, and deciding we’d hide out in it if the world ever entered an apocalypse.”

“So did you keep your map?”

“Yes, we kept our map. I believe my sis still has it. I’ll have to ask. Our parents paged us on the walkie talkies and we had to leave our paradise, but we visited it one more time on that trip. That night, though, we got back and our parents had a fire going and we sat there with them and talked all about our epic treasure hunt.”

“I bet you still talk about that trip.”

“Yes, and we vowed to go back, but we haven’t.”

“Then we’ll have to do it together.”

“I’d love to show you my special spot.” He pauses. “It might not take us quite as long to get there since our legs are longer,” he adds with laughter.

“Well then, we might have to get lost to draw the adventure out,” I tell him.

I can listen to this man for hours. I love his stories, and love that our real lives are so adventurous. Sure, we can exaggerate to make a story more fun, but we live lives most people can’t possibly imagine.

“I never want to stop looking for adventure, Hunter.”

“Never. That’s what I love the most about you: you’re willing to try new things and truly live. I never want to be that couple who happily sits at home every single night watching TV. I want to do that at times, but I also want to camp, hike, and fly off to tropical paradises.”

“If we promise to do that, we’ll make it happen,” I say. The thought of doing all of this with the man I love fills me with joy and a sense of anticipation. I love our life.

We talk for a while longer until exhaustion pulls us to our bed with open curtains. The sound of the waves on the shore lulls us to sleep as we lie in each other’s arms. I wake to the smell of coffee and Hunter, ready for the next adventure.

We embark on a sightseeing journey, strolling along pristine beaches, our feet sinking in the soft sand as turquoise waves crash against the shore. The vibrant colors of the island seem to mirror the emotions whirling within my heart.

We swim, dance, and sit at the bar, sharing some drinks. We talk, and grow, and I fall more in love with this man I tried pushing away. What a fool I was. I blame my stubborn Anderson blood.

On our second day as the sun begins painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I turn to Hunter on our secluded beach, my heart bursting with overflowing love and affection. My voice trembles as I speak.

“Hunter Sparks, I love you so much,” I tell him. “I don’t care if I never get my old memories back because these new ones with you are the best in my life.”

Hunter gives me a smile of contentment as he pulls me close to him. I know we’ll be together for all of eternity. No accident can rip us apart. It’s him and me for the rest of our lives and beyond the grave. He cups my cheek in the way that makes my stomach tighten.

“Jasmine, there are no words that can express how I feel about you. Love doesn’t seem strong enough. I’d die for you. People say this all of the time, but I mean it. I watched this video of a man and woman getting robbed, and the man took off. It boggled my brain. I’d never leave you behind. I’ll always put you first, and show you every day from here till eternity what I feel for you.”

The beauty around us fades as he leans down and kisses me, and my vision is only filled with him. Our lips meet in a tender and passionate kiss that lifts me from the ground. I’ll always fly when it comes to Hunter. How I feel about him is a culmination of our shared history, the promise of a future together, and the profound connection we share. Our souls are aligned. There’s no other way to describe it.

Hunter lifts me up and carries me into our villa, the air charged with undeniable electricity. He lays me on the bed, and our love reaches a new level of intimacy as our desire for one another crescendos. With each touch, our bodies align, and we communicate without words, only moans of pleasure and murmurs of love.

When we’re both well satisfied, he holds me in the moonlit filled bedroom, the glow from the stars sparkling off the crystal chandelier. I’m utterly content as I lie in Hunter’s arms, a profound sense of gratitude for this journey we’re on filling me.

“This island has become so much more than a destination,” I whisper.

“I agree,” he says as his hand traces my back. “I think we can make anywhere paradise though, Jasmine, because our love makes it beautiful.”

I smile against his chest as I close my eyes and drift into a blissful sleep, our bodies entangled and our hearts beating as one. The best part of all, our journey has just begun.

When the morning sunlight filters into our room, rousing me from sleep, I blink my eyes open, a warm smile spreading across my lips. I turn to see Hunter sleeping soundly. It’s rare I wake before him. I love taking the opportunity to look at his beautiful face while he’s so relaxed and serene.

This trip has filled me with happiness and a sense of peace I wasn’t able to find in Seattle or Miami. We needed time together without a chance of interruption. I lie with him a while longer before the bathroom calls.

Carefully extracting myself from the bed, I walk naked to the bathroom. A quick shower renews me. I slip on a light, silky robe and make my way to the balcony. I don’t think a person could ever get used to the breathtaking view of the azure ocean stretching all of the way to the horizon.

Palm trees swaying in the island breeze are a perfect frame, and the sound of the waves gently lapping against the shore only add to the mood. It’s as if nature itself is celebrating my love for Hunter.

I’m not sure how long I sit here sipping coffee before I’m brought back to reality by the sound of Hunter’s footsteps behind me. I turn to see him, his eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and desire... my two favorite emotions. He leans down and runs his lips across my neck, sending a shiver of desire through me.
