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“Good morning, my love,” he murmurs, his voice husky with sleep.

“Good morning, my sexy man,” I reply, my own voice matching his, warmth emanating from me. “How did you sleep?”

He settles in next to me, his arms instantly wrapping around me. “I’ve slept better here than I ever have, and since the day we started sharing a bed, I’ve slept like a dream.” he tells me. “There’s magic in this place, pure romantic magic that lulls me into a perfect bliss I never want to end.”

I lean into his embrace, relishing the feeling of being surrounded by the island magic and his love. We sit quietly and look at the horizon absorbing all of the beauty of Fiji, along with the depth of our connection to each other. We may have to refuse to leave.

It takes a while for our day to start, but we eventually realize we can’t survive on lovemaking alone. Besides that, we’ve promised to always share adventures together. That’s just what we do.

Over the next two weeks, we explore every inch of our private island, along with returning to the main island. We snorkel in the vibrant coral reefs, hike to breathtaking waterfalls, and indulge in all of the local cuisine we can. With every new adventure, our passion for life and each other grows.

During the day we explore, but we’re never too worn out to retreat to our villa, our sanctuary, our haven, where we make love each night, and fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. We grow lighter and freer as each day passes. We share our dreams and nurture the seeds of our future so we can watch them grow and flourish.

As with everything in life, our adventure does have to come to an end. That doesn’t mean we won’t come back, but as much as I love our time together, we both love our friends and family. My family will eventually hunt us down, no doubt about that, but I don’t want them to have to do that. This adventure is amazing, but our regular lives are just as wonderful.

I realize our lives are wonderful because we’re together. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing, it only matters that we are together. Our last night together in Fiji, we stand on the beach one final time... for now... and watch the sunset as it casts a warm glow over us. We’ll be back. But for now, it’s time to begin a new adventure.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I awake from a beautiful dream, my eyes widen, and my lips turn up in a smile. I leap from bed and rush to the bathroom. I let the water cascade over me as I sing in the shower. Hunter had a meeting this morning, so he’s meeting me in a while... and I can’t wait. I climb from the shower, get dressed in one of his favorite dresses of mine, then take extra time on my hair, wanting to look beautiful. I can be in rags and he thinks I’m stunning, but I like dressing up for this man.

It doesn’t take me long to leave my condo. I walk down the street to my favorite coffee shop and get the biggest cup they have and a couple of pastries, then walk to the park and sit down to eat and drink. My gaze is fixed on a group of children playing tag not far from me, their giggles filling the air with merriment.

The warmth of the sunlight filtering through the trees casts a glow over everything around. I take a moment and close my eyes, focusing on my memories, on everything that makes me so happy in this life, on all of the puzzle pieces that finally find a home.

When I open my eyes again, I see Hunter in the distance, wearing a smile as he approaches. I can look at his lips all day long. Those lips are magical... along with other parts of his very impressive body. The man is beautiful, and he knows how to use everything God’s blessed him with.

He moves up to me and sits down, reaching for a donut hole. His hand brushes against mine and a spark of passion flows through me. It doesn’t matter how often we make love, it’s never enough. The need to be intimate with him is a physical representation of how much I love him.

I turn, my lips open, my eyes sparkling. There are only a few words I want to say.

“Hunter, I remember.”

It takes several heartbeats for my words to sink in, wonder appearing in his eyes. He takes my hand and squeezes, a sheen in his eyes. “Everything?” he hopefully questions.

“I’m not sure, but a lot,” I say, happiness bubbling within me. “I remember a date at a carnival and you winning the ugliest bear ever, our cave jumping experience, the dinner where I knocked over the waiter and landed on your lap... and the bathroom sex after, sunsets on the beach, the first time you told me you loved me...” I choke up as more memories flood inside as we talk.

Hunter’s face lights up with joy. He reaches out and cups my cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. “Oh, Jasmine, I love you so much. I’ve told you it doesn’t matter if you get your memories back or not, but I’m glad we have this together, so grateful not a single part of our story is lost. I love you. I love you. I love you. I want these memories and so many more.”

Warmth and reassurance spreads through my chest. I was scared for a while, but my fear’s now gone. I feared if my memories came back, I’d realize there was something wrong. I feared that was why I was blocking them. I was so wrong. The force of our memories only makes our love that much stronger.

“It really is you and me against the world, Hunter. I want to keep making memories. I never want to forget how good this feels.”

“We won’t,” he says. Then he lets go and moves in front of me and drops down on his knee, gazing up at me.

“There’s never a perfect moment for this, but this ring has been in my drawer for nearly a year, and it’s been burning a hole in my pocket for over a month now.” He pulls it out, tears shining in his eyes.

“I love you. There will never be anyone but you, and I want to walk this life with you, want it to be you and me, along with our family and friends, for the rest of our lives. I want to fall asleep with you every single night, and wake with you every morning. Please marry me. Let’s sail through this life together.”

So much emotion flows through me, I’m not sure I can handle all of it. Tears fill my eyes and spill over. I’m too choked up to speak. I open my mouth and no sound comes out. I nod, but that’s not good enough for Hunter. He wants the words. I take a deep breath as he holds the ring, waiting for my answer.

“It’s about time,” I finally say, and we both laugh as he slips the sparkling diamond on my finger. It’s a perfect fit. Of course it is. I bet he measured me in my sleep. Then again, he could’ve also talked to my bestie who would’ve given him one of my other rings to take to the jeweler to make sure. I don’t care how he did it, all I care about is he’s officially my fiancé.

“I’m yours forever,” I tell him.

“Just as I’m yours,” he says. He rises and pulls me into his arms, swinging me around in a perfect circle. Several people turn to look at us.
