Page 122 of Bragg's Love

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She whirls around and marches away.

“Wait!” I call after her. “What happened to Amy? Where’s Robin’s father?”

“Mr. Craven can fill you in on the details,” she says as she bustles away.

“What just happened?”

At my question, Robin lets out a wail. I stare down at the tiny human being in my arms. Her eyes are scrunched closed but her mouth is wide open as she howls.

“Whatever you need, I’m here,” Elder declares.

“I’m... I… What?” My brain isn’t working. I have a gazillion questions but I can’t figure out which one is the most important.

“Come on,” Elder mumbles before leading me by my elbow toward the rear exit.

“Ladies, I think we have our next project. Let’s go.”

“What should we name it?”

“Project Baby.”

“What are you doing? They’re getting away.”

I can hear the gossip gals behind me but their words are garbled as if they’re ten feet underwater. I can’t deal with them now. I have more important things to handle.

“My cousin died and I have her baby,” I tell Elder once we stop in the alleyway behind the brewery.

“I know, baby. I know. We’ll figure this out.”

“We?” I may be shell shocked, but I know this isn’t going to be a joint effort. This is my responsibility. This tiny human being is mine to watch over, mine to protect. She’s mine.

I stare down at Robin and a fierceness I’ve never felt before overcomes me. I will do anything to protect Amy’s baby. Anything.

Chapter 37

If she says no, we’ll move on to Plan B ~ Text from Riley to Miller

One month later


Elder:Don’t be a wimp, Miller.

Riley:Wimps don’t get the girl.

Brody:Unless you don’t want the girl?

Peace:Just do it so this stupid group message will stop.

Damon:What are we talking about?

Elder:I know something Damon doesn’t know.

Damon:How old are you?

Elder:Uh oh. Damon’s getting senile.

Brody:Maybe he needs to be put in a home.
