Page 16 of Bragg's Love

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“Yeah, Miller, what is your obsession with Eden’s feet?” Elder asks. Miller scowls at his twin who laughs in response. “The idiot twins are right for a change. This is fun.”

Brody wags his finger at his older brother. “No making fun of us because you’re jealous.”

“Why would I be jealous of you?”

Riley skims a hand down his chest, which I can’t help but notice is packed with lean muscles. Personally, I prefer a man with a bit more bulk to him. My gaze flits to Miller. No, not him. He’s my enemy.

You could still have a bit of fun with him,my inner hussy reminds me. Huh. She’s not wrong. I bite my lip as I contemplate the situation. Can I have a little sexy fun with Miller even though I hate him?

I mentally slap myself upside the head. What am I thinking? I can’t have fun with the man who’s trying to ruin my business.Eden’s Gardenmeans the world to me. I can’t let him destroy my mom’s legacy.

Mrs. Bragg stands. “I apologize for my children.”

“I’m not a child,” Miller grumbles.

“In which case, stop acting like one.”

“Drink!” Ashlyn orders.

“There’s no reason to apologize,” Ashlyn’s mother hollers. “My children are as unruly as yours.”

“Hey!” Ashlyn yells. “I’m not unruly.”

Mrs. West raises her eyebrows. “You spilled beer down your shirt. It reminds me of the time your father—”

“No!” For someone who loves to brag about her sex life, Ashlyn can’t handle listening to her mom discuss sex with her father. It’s ridiculous. And an easy way to wind Ashlyn up, which is always fun.

“Tell us more, Mrs. West,” I say since Ashlyn doesn’t hold exclusive rights to shit stirring.

“Are we going to discuss the brewery expansion today or what?” Miller asks before Mrs. West can speak.

Moon clears her throat. “Of course.”

Sage raises her hand but doesn’t wait to be called on before saying, “I vote Miller and Eden meet privately to come up with a solution and present it at the next meeting.”

She can’t be serious. Miller and I can’t be in the same room without arguing. How the hell are we going to ‘come up with a solution’? We’ll probably end up killing each other. Which, technically, would be a solution, I guess.

All of the gossip gals raise their hands. “Agree!”

I stand. “I don’t agree.”

“What’s wrong, Eden? Afraid you’ll have to be tolerant to my views?” Miller taunts.

“I’ll show you tolerant.”

“What does that even mean?”

“You’ll see,” I say before stomping out of the meeting.

This is ridiculous. I should have stuck to the sit-in. There’s no way Miller can be reasonable. His mind is set on the expansion and its effect on the rest of Winter Falls can be damned. But I’m not finished with Mr. Cranky Pants yet.

Chapter 6

Make sure to wear your eating pants ~ Text from Elder to Miller


“Miller! You made it!” Moon greets.
