Page 99 of Bragg's Love

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He squeaks as he rushes to cover his chest with his hands. “You wouldn’t dare.”

I lean over and hiss in his face. “Watch me.”

“Eden,” Miller calls from the entrance to the kitchen. “This is a nice surprise.”

“Oh boy is he in for a surprise, but it is not a nice one,” Ashlyn mutters from behind me.

I show her my hand. “Shush you. Amateur hour is over.”

“Did she call me an amateur?”

I ignore Ashlyn. I’ve got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Oh wait. A small fish first. “You could have told me Miller was in the kitchen,” I snarl at Elder.

He shrugs. “Sorry. Twin rules.”

I stomp toward Miller but pause when I hear a ruckus behind me. I glance over my shoulder. Awesome. I have an entourage.

“Stop following me,” I order the members of the smutty book club.

“This is a public location. You can’t order us around,” Moon says.

Feather grins. “This is better than book club.”

Petal nods. “It’s as if we’re doing a re-enactment of the book from last month. The one with the grumpy hero. What was it called?”

“Was he also an asshole?” I mutter before I can stop myself.

“Such an asshole.” Ashlyn fans her face. “It was hot, hot, hot.”

“I was being ironic.”

She winks. “I know.”

I love my town. I swear I do. But at the moment they all need to go in a time-out until they learn their lesson about eavesdropping and invading people’s privacy. But it’s never gonna happen.

“Eden,” Miller calls my name in his deep scratchy voice, and for a moment, my body forgets all about what a complete and utter jerkwad he is. I shiver before I can stop myself.

“Is something wrong?”

Soleil snorts. “Something’s definitely wrong.”

“And not wrong good. Wrong wrong,” Harmony adds.

“What’s wrong good?” Elder asks.

Enough! E-freaking-nough!

“Uh oh. Mommy’s mad,” Ashlyn says and I realize I yelled those words out loud. Never mind. It’s not as if everyone in the restaurant – the entire town by now – doesn’t know I’m mad already.

I shackle Miller’s wrist and drag him toward the offices in the back. I stop at the first door.

“This is Elder’s office,” Miller says.

“I know,” I lie since I kind of forgot whose office is whose. Remembering where Miller’s office is isn’t exactly a priority at the moment.

I stomp to the next door and fling it open before shoving Miller inside.
