Page 143 of Knot Broken

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That’s how a month passed away in the blink of an eye.

I still get plagued by my nightmares but they’re not as intense as before. Most nights I’m able to wake myself from them. At other times, Seth and his brothers shake me awake before the dream can progress too far.

Their presence cuts through the miasma of desperation and helplessness, allowing me to return to the present moment. They remind me that I’m home with them, that I’m truly safe.

With their constant reassurance, I manage to fall back to sleep again.

A look at the full-length mirror shows me the effects the nights of rest are having on me. Even though my body still looks painfully emaciated, my cheeks are fuller. Both my skin and hair are shinier and healthier than before. The shadows under my eyes have completely disappeared, marking a stark difference in my appearance from the time I first crawled out of those hellish underground chambers.

Taking a deep breath, I look around my new haven.

The bare bedroom is now transformed into a cozy nest. The furniture and curtains adorning the place are all a shade of crimson and maroon. My favorite cushions and stuffed toys crowd the headrest, bringing a sense of familiarity.

A stack of my finished paintings stands in the corner. Several blank canvases are stacked along with my art supplies in another, marking the area that I use as a mini-studio.

A faint smell of oil and paint mingles with my signature peach and clove fragrance. My chest swells with intense possessiveness as I glance around my nest.

It’s allmine.

Seth, Oliver, and Simon’s faces flash before me at the heel of that possessive thought. Even though they’re all downstairs at this very moment, I end up missing them.

Moving toward the calendar, I take it down and turn over the page. A beautiful image of pink carnations is revealed along with the dates for April.

Hanging the calendar back on the door, I hurry out of the room.

Early morning sunshine streams in through the windows of the corridor as I head toward the staircase. The smell of cooking pancakes wafts into my nostrils as my feet descend the stairs.

My stomach groans, making me quicken my steps toward the kitchen.

Seth is at the counter, flipping pancakes while Simon and Oliver are drinking their coffees at the kitchen table. Dressed in their military uniforms, they look strikingly handsome.

As usual, my heart dances when I meet their intense gazes.

“Morning, Princess,” Oliver greets as he gets up from his chair and comes toward me.

“Morning,” I say shyly as he leans in for a kiss.

Putting my arms around his neck, I lift my face to capture his lips.

His tongue swipes over my mouth before languidly slipping between my lips. A low purr escapes him as he tastes me thoroughly.

Even though I’m drowning in the kiss, I’m acutely aware of the second presence behind me. Simon’s citrusy fragrance infuses with Oliver’s fresh ginger scent.

I moan into Oliver’s mouth as Simon’s arms wrap around my waist from behind. His lips press soft kisses against the side of my neck, sending tendrils of heat through my body.

Pressed between them, I’m left breathless with pleasure.

“You’re looking beautiful today,” Simon says as he takes his twin’s place.

“You too,” I blurt.

An amused grin curves his lips before he kisses me.

“Quit mauling her and let her eat,” Seth mutters from the corner.

“Is the food ready?” Simon asks as Seth places a platter of pancakes on the table.

“Yeah,” Seth replies, taking off his apron. “Get the rest of the stuff on the table and we can eat breakfast. We’ve got a long day ahead, so we better get going.”
